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Jungkook's POV:

We're back in Seoul and Jimin hyung was out of it. He seems drunk all the time without consuming alcohol. What kind of drug did mama hyunnie gave him? Is it still safe that the two are breastfeeding on him?

"I just realized something.", he suddenly said as I was unpacking most dirty laundry and the gifts we received for the holidays. I hummed to signal him that I'm listening. "Now that I have this alpha thingy... can I top?", he asked and I choked on air.

"What?! Be thankful that Yeonjoo went to Miko's.", I said and sighed. "Hmmm... you didn't even deny it. It's settled then.", he made up his mind and I was bewildered. "Wait, what-", I tried to say.

"We aren't doing anything sexual at all unless I top.", he declared and I was about to whine and argue. "Don't you dare defy me.", he said and I can see the color of his eyes turn a little icy.

"How are you able to play with that now?", I asked him as I pointed at his eye. "How are you able to voluntarily release certain pheromones?", he asked back and I understood what he meant.

I can't explain my answer to his question and that's how he is with mine. The simple answer is that, we just do it because it's there. "You really are gonna just win every argument, right?", I asked him and he nodded knowingly.

"You cheeky pretty little monster.", I called and went back to my house husband duties. "I'm gonna start attending work next week, will you be fine?", I asked him in worry. He was carrying a sleeping Minji in his left arm and lifted his shirt with the right.

"The scar is gone.", he said and I gasped. "That fast?!", I asked him and he nodded. "Nothing is hurting anymore, just that I have heavy tits the leak.", he said and I chuckled at his choice of words.

Jungmin is asleep on the twin stroller that was gifted by Chuchu. "Don't worry about me, Jihyun comes by a lot.", he reassures and I nodded. "I will be home an hour earlier than usual... but I will also have to be at work an hour early than usual.", I told him.

Rayu hyung and I has agreed upon this schedule for now. "Let's get this baby in her stroller as well.", I told him and placed Minji beside Jungmin. "Aren't they so cute?", I asked Jimin hyung while looking at our adorable babies.

"Of course they are. I'm their mother.", Jimin hyung proudly said and I nodded. Jimin hyung is still the cuttest. I kissed his cheek and went back to sorting laundry. "I'm gonna wash the bottles and the dishes.", he said and left me with my work and the babies.

We have clothes for five people now, and it's a mountain of dirty laundry. We can't resort to the cleaners or dry cleaning services though; I'm picky with laundry and Jimin hyung knew that very well.

While the two machines are working, I handwashed most of the twin's baby clothes. If I worked on laundry without breaks, it will finish faster. Jimin hyung finished his share of chore and put the bottles on the steamer.

It's about time that Jungmin woke up, hungry and crying. Jimin hyung took him to feed and left me with Minji again. "You're going to wake up hungry as well, right?", I asked the sleeping Minji while I was handwashing her clothes.

The 3rd batch of laundry were ready to be placed. They came in dirty, they come out dry. I'm carefully assessing every piece and even sniffing them to prove that they aren't dirty anymore.

Some of it still needed to be hung so I placed them in the hanging station temporarily. I went back to the handwashing, now with the undies. When I finished with those, I dried them and Minji started crying.

Jimin hyung brought Jungmin back who was half asleep and took Minji. I dried my hands and removed my damp shirt. I carried him and played a little with him. He was trying to suck into my finger, but I wouldn't let him.

Always been you, and you only || Jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now