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Jungkook's POV:

My eyes immediately met with Jimin's curious ones. He broke it and turned to Hana. "Did the doctor allow Miko to eat already?", Jimin hyung asked.

"Oh yes. The nurse told us that Miko would wake up hungry.", Rayu hyung answered for Hana noona. "Then Miko can eat the wafcakes me and mama made.", Yeonjoo said excitedly.

Yeonjoo took the responsibility of feeding Miko. "They're really close, huh?", Rayu commented and Jimin hyung nodded at that. "You should always join us on our play dates.", he suggested.

Rayu is sort of my boss, but he's pretty chill. I like his way of handling things like there's no pressure that's weighing him. I mean, nothing's really weighing me down either.

It's just that I often feel pressured being a young dad for Yeonjoo and a good husband to my wife. I was still getting used to it. It seemed like it didn't register to me that I am now married with a family to go home to.

I had to make it work.


A/N: Why don't we skip to the day before Jin's Wedding? Yes we will.

Jungkook's POV: December 22, 2020.

Jimin hyung is at Namjoon hyung's house or the Kim's residence with Jin hyung, Taehyung hyung, and Jinro as the mini bridesmaid party before the wedding.

I heard that there's going to be a gender reveal tomorrow after the wedding. Jin hyung had an ultrasound appointment this morning based from Jimin hyung's narration.

Namjoon hyung, Hoseok hyung, Jina, Yeonjoo and I are all at Suga hyung's penthouse as the mini bachelor's party as well. We made rules that we could call anybody on the other side just after lunch.

I made one last call with Jimin hyung and he strictly told me to guide everyone with the kids. Well, Yoongi hyung was supposed to take care of Jina for 24 hours, but that was rather postponed.

I can take care of Yeonjoo and Namjoon hyung can take care of Jina. Jina is pretty independent on her own as she had been playing with Yeonjoo and the huge lego set that Yoongi hyung bought to keep the kids busy.

We can't drink as we were not allowed to by our significant others. We were just chilling around Yoongi hyung's livingroom and playing some card games.

When we started getting loud at playing uno, the kids were curious about it so we decided to teach them. The more players, the better.

Yeonjoo seemed to easily get the grip of the idea of the game. He is now... better than me analytically. He knows which cards to show at all the right time.

We ended up playing this for three hours straight until we were hungry. "Oh sh-... Jimin hyung carefully instructed me to not starve the kids.", I said as I stood up after the last game.

Yoongi hyung joined me to the kitchen and we cooked up dishes for the rest to eat. "Hey Jina? Can you eat spicy food?", I asked her as I was trying to figure out what to cook.

"I can only eat spicy until the kimchi level of spiciness.", she answered and I nodded at that. We can't be bloated for tomorrow so we couldn't really have too much starchy food and meat.

I made sure to cook up something filling and healthy while Yoongi hyung deadass cooked up steak and pasta. The two things we aren't supposed to eat. His kitchen is huge and I have been judging his choice of food.

It's pesto pasta so it should at least be fine. When we served the food, the kids were avoiding the green pasta. "It doesn't actually taste like veggies. It's pretty great.", I told them.

Always been you, and you only || Jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now