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Jungkook's POV:

I was on the middle of discussing my paternity leave with Rayu hyung... to focus on my wife and my babies starting on December.

Suddenly, the phone was ringing on my pocket and it was Yeonjoo. I didn't answer it yet and hung up so I could listen to my employer's terms and conditions with this leave.

But then the phone rang again and this is where I got a little worried so I excused myself. "Dad! Mommy was taken to the hospital in an ambulance just now. I'm left alone in the house.", he said in a panicky way.

It was like adrenaline was injected three times into my system. I knew that my eyes were glowing bright gold with a hint of purple.

"Go get the emergency bag and make sure that the house is locked okay? Wait for me outside the house. I'll be there in a few minutes.", I told him and hung up.

"Hyung, excuse me but Jimin is in the ambulance on the way to the nearest hospital right now.", I told him hastly and I ran to my car after he gave me a nod.

I drove fast back home to get Yeonjoo. When I got there, he was locking the front door. He ran up to sit on the passenger seat. He quickly buckled his seatbelt and I drove fast out of the village.

"It's that hospital where Mommy gets check ups.", Yeonjoo informed. I got it and I thanked him briefly. My eyes were moving fast and the car was racing above everybody else.

I thankfully missed the traffic from earlier's lunch rush hour. We were parked in the hospital in less that 5 minutes and we got out of the car. I got the bag and carried Yeonjoo.

"Hold tight.", I instructed and ran to the emergency. "Pregnant male carrier that just got in.", I told the nurse and heard Jimin's wincing on the next few rows. I tried to pass through, but nurses didn't allow me and Yeonjoo.

I was worried, so I blasted my calming pheromones in the whole emergency room to let Jimin know that I was in here. I heard the wincing weakened.

I faced the nurse on the counter and they gave me a paper to fill up. I held Yeonjoo down and started answering the questions on the paper regarding Jimin.

Yeonjoo has worn a surgical mask. "Mommy told me to wear this when we get to the hospital, so I wouldn't catch common colds.", Yeonjoo says to the kind nurse who tried to entertain him.

A/N: Excuse my poor knowledge of Hospital things in here. I barely passed biology in college. I was great at it in highschool. But I'm taking a path far from it. I'm an architectural student.

I gave the paper back once filled up. "Sir, are you Mr. Jeon Jimin's standing guardian?", the nurse asked. "Yes I am.", I told him.

"The doctor wants to see you.", he informed and I looked at Yeonjoo. "I'm gonna be fine. I promise to just sit on my place here, dad.", Yeonjoo reassured and I thanked him.

Jimin was now being transferred into a room that I requested on the paper. "The patient and the babies are fine. It's just that we have to get the babies out in the next coming week."

"Why?", I asked. "The weight may break his back if he wasn't careful enough. They are both healthy for now, but I can't be too sure in the future.", the doctor honestly says.

Looks like I have to make this decision with him. "Okay, I'm gonna consult this with him. Is he awake?", I asked. "No, we have given him painkillers that are safe for pregnancy, but he will fall asleep as an effect.", the doctor says and I nodded.

"You can visit him on  room A04.", he said and I nodded. I went back to where my son was waiting. Yeonjoo was sat in there with a nurse as promised.

"Hi, thank you for accompanying my son.", I thank the nurse and she nodded. She excused herself and I carried Yeonjoo in my arms. "Hmm? You're getting bigger.", I told him with a small chuckle.

Always been you, and you only || Jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now