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Jimin's POV:

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Jimin's POV:

The doorbell rang again so I came to open it. This time, It's Jin hyung with Jina. "Mr. Park!", Jina called and I took her from Jin hyung's arms.

Jin hyung has invited himself in and called out to Jungkook. "Yah! Jungkook-ah, come help me bring the food in here. They are still on my car at the garage.", Jin hyung said and Jungkook followed.

Jin hyung is probably the most protective over Jungkook other than Hobi hyung. Jin hyung was the one that Jungkook calls first when he got in trouble in high school.

He's the eldest and he became Jungkook's temporary guardian until Jungkook has been enrolled to college. That was fairly at the same period where Jin hyung got the custody for Jina.

I carried Jina to the kitchen and Taehyung immediately leaped to greet her. Jina played with Taehyung in my room since his old room was owned by Jungkook now.

I was left to see Hobi hyung struggle to find pots and pans that Yoongi hyung must've instructed him to pull out.

I sighed and got his phone from him so I could be the one rummaging in my own kitchen because I know the placements of things better.

Hobi hyung sighed and just watched me finish it on the next minute. The Jin hyung and Jungkook arrived with Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung.

They were all bringing food. "Woah, who's gonna be eating all of that food?", I asked with a small laugh. "It's breakfast, lunch and dinner.", Jin hyung declared.

They put together the food in the dining table and the cakes at the tea table in the living area. Yoongi and Jungkook surely are avoiding each other at all cost.

I am spending time listening to Jin hyung's gossip about that new coworker he had. He's explaining to me that the man apparently knew me.

"What's his name again?", I asked him. "Oh.. He is Lee Taemin. He said that he is two years ahead of you but you worked on a project with him before?", Jin hyung answered unsurely.

"Oh... yeah. He's my senior who taught me how I can move my hips like it's water. Some fluid moves.", I told him and I saw how Jungkook's head turn towards us in interest from my peripheral vision.

The kid was possesive as fuck. I kinda like riling him up and seeing how furious he gets when he's jealous. I surpassed smirking at my own evil thoughts.

I guess old habits do die hard. I can't help but want to make Jungkook suffer indirectly, but still fall for me. It's not like I'm gonna break his heart.

I kinda promised him to let him mate me for the both of us to settle down. I do need a child of my own, especially now that I am seeing how happy Jin hyung is as a single parent.

After about two hours of just being together and with Yoongi hyung cooking stuff in my kitchen, we started singing a happy birthday for both Namjoon hyung and Jungkook.

Always been you, and you only || Jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now