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Jungkook's POV:

So far, this Taemin hyung guy seems pretty great. He's very respectful and modest. He's like the literal breath of fresh air out of everyone in the room.

Jimin hyung didn't seem too interested as he was more interested in eafing lots of food. Breakfast has finished about 30 minutes ago and I volunteered to do the mountain of dirty,dishes for waking up late.

Jimin hyung stayed in the table and he hasn't stopped eating slowly. I chuckled as I was watching him. "Now I'm having second thoughts if you're only eating for yourself or are there really two of you.", I said to him.

He rolled his eyes at me and finally finished. He got the rest of the plates to be washed and helped me with the duty. We joked around and teased each other while doing so.

This feels like we're on the "crush" stage of our relationship; similar to when a teen and another just developed a new found closeness.

Everything feels new when it's with Jimin hyung. He genuinely makes me happy. We finished washing the dishes and joined everyone who was at the living area.

Ma was showing some photo albums that are from when Jimin hyung and Jihyun were young. And of course, I was here most of the time so I was included in a third of the photos.

Each photo has a story behind them and the Park husbands are animatedly embarrassing the three of us to the rest especially to the kids.

Yeonjoo seemed very very curious as he was looking at the photos of Jimin hyung and I. He was holding a photo of me in a trolly as a baby and Jimin hyung as a young toddler.

"Grandpa, this fell out of the a album.", Yeonjoo said as he stood up and gave the photo to his grandpa. "Do you know who these are?", he asked as he went to sit Yeonjoo on his lap.

"No.. this is probably Mommy.", Yeonjoo said as he pointed at the picture. "Yes yes, and that's your dad, Jungkookie.", he said.

A/N: I know I named Jimin's father before but,I can't remember and I'm too lazy to reread so Imma name him Jisoo.

Park Jisoo, the one who has been a father figure to me until now, has called me by the name he used to call me ever so often. He came to play backyard games with me as a kid because Jimin hyung and Jihyun aren't really interested.

He thought me a lot of things as a child and there are some memories where he would even take me, him and I alone in a car trip. I would always remember, because those times were always so precious to me.

"That's the day when your Mommy Jimin first met your Dad Jungkook. Jungkookie was out for discharge a day after he was born in the same hospital as your uncle Jihyun.", he explained.

"Dad isn't so cute as a baby... why is he a bit wrinkly?", Yeonjoo asked confusedly and Ma answered. "That's because he's a new born. Almost all new born babies looks like that. That may also have been how you looked like on your first day here on land.", he explained.

"Oh? So are all babies born ugly and then just get cute after a month? Is it like that?", he asked and almost all of the adults are nodding.

"Excuse me? I was born cute.", Jimin hyung, who was beside me has declared playfully and everyone started laughing. It was all fun until I received a call from my employer at the gym.

Apparently, I had to go back to Seoul by this evening. I brought Jimin hyung back in the room for privacy and told him this. "I thought that you were free until Monday?", Jimin hyung asked.

I sighed and nodded. "That's what I thought too. But clients seemed to come on weekends after eating a bunch on Christmas.", I told him.

Jimin hyung was sulking a little as he didn't want this, but couldn't do anything about it as well. "I will take the train back and leave the car with you two. I will also make sure to help Hoseok hyung with Taehyungie hyung's birthday surprise.", I told him as I gave him a hug.

Always been you, and you only || Jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now