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Jimin's POV:

Having a baby isn't happening soon. I wanted to at least let Jungkook live to his dream profession without having too much distractions like a baby and the pregnancy that comes with it.

To be honest, I was also afraid of loosing my figure for dancing. Just like how Jungkook is taking on his dream field, I was also taking mine.

I don't want it to end too soon, plus, we still need to get settled with Yeonjoo's full adoption. They have postponed inspection to April 23.

It will be on a Friday until Sunday. The inspector will be staying in here for the whole weekend to make a report to the Department of Child care and protection.

Meanwhile, me and Yeonjoo are busy with his lessons so I have to hand over the point of view to Jungkook now.

Jungkook's POV:

I sat on the couch beside the two and stopped humming. My focus was on the baby. He will finish his bottle soon and he didn't have to burp like some real infant.

He's three and he should be a big boy. Though he looks like a baby. He's going to be my baby for now. Like my wife and my son is, he's equally perfect.

I didn't even try to lay him on the couch comfortably because I can't. I've carried Miko before on a zoo and he likes snuggling so much.

I won't be able to let go of him if he's this cute. It's similar to what I feel when Jimin is in heat. I cannot let go of him. Or is it the effect of the mating season?

Usually, it doesn't really affect Alphas and Omegas in a harmful way. They just tend to be much much clingier than usual. Oh my... I am being like that.

I looked at the peacefully sleeping baby in my arms again. He finished the bottle and I got it out of him. His cheeks were puffed up and pinkish.

His breathing is even and his heartbeat was calming. I continued to listen to the two until they finished and was clearing up the tea table.

Jimin hyung looked at me for a few seconds and chuckled a little. "It's like you found a new toy.", he said and I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

Miko has been sleeping in my arms for two hours straight and Yeonjoo was looking at him from time to time.

It was around 4pm when he started waking up from his slumber. He opened his eyes and blinked a couple of times before looking at me.

I smiled at him and he gave me a gummy smile. He wants to sit up so I placed him like that on my lap and Yeonjoo noticed thag he was awake.

He has been helping Jimin hyung to make dinner. "Mikoooo~", he called out and Miko was excited to be with his hyung and made grabby hands at him.

I had to let go of Miko so he could walk on his own and play with Yeonjoo a little bit. He went to his Yeonjoo hyung and Yeonjoo took him to his room that had no bed and got his toys out from the baskets.

I hugged Jimin hyung from the back while he was mincing something up. I kissed his wonderfully scented pink hair.

"Do you think that we need a haircut?", I asked him so suddenly. "Yes, but it's mating season and half of the population isn't around. It will be hard to find barbershops that are open.", he said and I was nodding in understanding.

"Ok, we have to take Yeonjoo, you and me at the barbers soon. Yeonjoo's hair has been bothering him and he got your mannerism.", I said a bit playfully.

"Hmm, which one?", he asked. "Pushing back your hair.", I said with a chuckle. He glared at me playfully but chuckled as well.

"I didn't even notice that.", he said as he went back to mincing ingredients. "I was counting while you two were studying, but I lost count.", I explained and his slap came so fast into my arm.

Always been you, and you only || Jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now