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Jimin's POV:

It was the next day when me and Jungkook woke up at the same exact time... because of morning sickness. We are silently thankful that Yeonjoo is on the other side of the floor.

He wouldn't be woken up abruptly like we used to. Jungkook brushed his teeth and brushed mine for me as well. I love being extra pampered.

I'm still worried about Jungkook, but me and Yeonjoo needs to go to Jin hyung early this morning. The maintenance company will be arriving in a few hours.

I was packing a few things to bring in there while Jungkook manages the kitchen for breakfast. I woke Yeonjoo up and encourage him to groom himself up before breakfast.

We'll be going after breakfast at Jin hyung's. He said that Namjoon hyung will be out of their home because he had to talk with his editors about the new book he was writing.

The pregnant Taetae won't be able to join us because he was still working as a model. He hasn't announced his pregnancy to the press yet.

Either way, if Taehyung was perfect before  he's ethereal now that he's pregnant. Yeonjoo and I walked there while he insisted to carry the bag for me.

"Dad told me to look out for you, Mommy.", he said while I was trying to get the bag from him. "I'm fine. Do that to me when I'm at least four months pregnant.", I told him with a chuckle.

He shook his head and we continued walking. It was very near, actually. I knocked on the door and Jina welcomed us. Yeonjoo bowed at Jin hyung who was sitting comfortably on the couch with a big baby bump.

"Namjoon hyung's out already?", I asked and he sighed. "Yes, it was because he wanted to come home early today. At least before dinner time.", Jin hyung answered.

I signalled Yeonjoo that he could go play with Jina. The two alphas are already besties. I had to ask Jin hyung, "You're scheduled to give birth after Taehyung's wedding, right?".

He nodded and continued to munch on his fruits. "Want some?", he offered and I took a bite. I surprisingly liked kiwis a lot right now. The tartness was satisfying.

Jin hyung giggled. "You love it.", he teased. "We already bought everything we needed. Namjoon is so nervous about the baby's needs so he ended up buying everthing unnecessary.", Jin hyung ranted.

I was chuckling at that as I looked around. There were already some large baby equipments around their house everywhere. "Wow, you weren't exaggerating.", I commented.

A few minutes later while we were gossiping about our husbands, Jina and Yeonjoo came. "Papa, can we go play in the mud with the hose at the back? We promise to clean up before entering.", Jina asked Jin hyung.

Jin hyung will always be a Papa to Jina. Yeonjoo was looking at me shyly. "I'm allowing you, don't worry.", I told Yeonjoo before he could even ask.

I just want him to have fun. Jin hyung was still hesitant to let Jina play in the mud. He's probably worried about the laundry. I on the other hand didn't mind.

Jin hyung sighed again and nodded at Jina. The two kids high fived each other and went out at the back. Me and Jin hyung went back to talking about our husbands.

He kept on teasing me about how I kept the marami to myself for way too long. He wasn't wrong. He was bragging about his intuitions, but I just had to remind him that my mother was always above him.

Jin hyung ended up teaching me how he managed his pregnancy and house chores. He has been teaching Jina some minimal house chores so he had some help.

Always been you, and you only || Jikook FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora