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Jungkook's POV:

It's obviously not our first fight. We've fought tons of times before and some didn't end up well. The difference is that this is the first time I'm going to console him.

Ice cream won't do. I need to level up my game.

I went to hug Jimin hyung but he pushed me away. "Babyyyy...", I called out. I don't know what to do. "Is this because I fell asleep last night?", I asked gently as I was trying to get him to talk to me.

He turned away even more with a hmp. I sighed and think of a way to console him. "Fine... were gonna go out on a date night on Wednesday. I will prepare at Hobi's and you go get help from Taehyung hyung here.", I said and this time, he looked at me.

"I'm sorry, okay? I was just really tired last night. Let me make it up to you on our day offs.", I said and he grinned at me. He finally smiled.
I kissed him briefly as I have to go. Yeonjoo will be waiting for me.

"You better not fuck this up, Jeon Jungkook.", he warned and I sent an 'aye aye!!'. I bid him goodbye and went to ride my sidebitch.

I was a bit late and Yeonjoo was sitting alone on the gutter. I quickly got him his lunch box and waved goodbye. I'm really late for my auditorium class so I was rushing.

The prof didn't even care as I jumped on my seat between my friends. It's a total disaster as I quickly took out my binder to take notes. I forgot that I was supposed to bring my laptop today.

I sighed as I already have an idea of the lesson ahead of me. I took AP classes in high school. I got my phone to text Taehyung hyung.

Hyung... I need you to help Jimin hyung to get ready for our first date night out

OMG WHEN?!!?!?

On Wednesday night 7pm

It's okay if I get ready at your place


sure sure!!

And with that, it's settled. I will have to plan this out until today since Jimin hyung is probably going to be very excited. I just know it by his reaction earlier.

I still feel bad for falling asleep on him though, but I decided to disregard that for now and focus on the lesson ahead.

Lunch time came and when I opened my lunchbox, there was a note. 'I was probably pissed while making this, but I expect you to reconcile with me on the same morning. Sorry if I've put too much wasabi inside those onigiri. You don't have to eat them.- an angry wife.'

I chuckle at that and saw two of those onigiri on the side and they looked fine to me. I'm gonna have the boys taste it first before tasting it out myself.

What are friends for, right? I waited for them to come and once I saw them coming, I started eating the egg rolls. Yugyeom was the first one to sit so he was my first victim.

"Jimin hyung made onigiris today.", I said and offered him one. He hummed and took a bite while others were taking their seats. Yugyeom was chewing for a few seconds until he started coughing.

He pinched the bridge of his nose as he pushed back the onigiri to me. Bambam quickly gave him water. "What the fuck?", he said as I was giggling to myself.

Always been you, and you only || Jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now