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Jimin's POV:

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Jimin's POV:

His lips were on mine. His arm wrapped around my waist is pulling me closer. His other hand is placed at the back of my neck.

I was forced to kiss back and close my eyes. This seems very familiar. He tasted very familiar like... Strawberry banana.

I cut off the kiss with a gasp and panted for air. "What the fuck?", I cursed at him and he just smirked at me.

"That's for giving me a boner and not taking care of it after.", Jungkook said and he left to go to his new room.

Oh my fucking goodness. I wonder how am I gonna last long at living with this guy. This will be a real disaster.

I went to lay beside Yeonjoo and set my alarm clock to 6am. I had to prepare Yeonjoo's lunch box and get his in his uniform on time.

Yeonjoo's daycare starts at 7:30am and will last until 2pm. It was informed to me by his father and I tried my best to pay much attention.


I woke up the next morning to my alarm blaring and I turned it off. It was still dark outside.

I went to brush my teeth, shave and wash my face. I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and a bento box for Yeonjoo to bring at school.

It's around 6:30am when Jungkook woke up and was walking towards the kitchen. The sun was rising.

"Are you packing bento for Yeonjoo?", he asked with a sleep induced voice and I just nodded. "Can you pack for me as well?", he asked sheepishly.

I almost forgot that Jungkook is also attending college. Why would he want a bento in college?

"I'm kinda trying to save money for something. Two jobs isn't enough to-", he said but I cut him off by nodding.

"What time are you off the university?", I asked. "Around 1:45pm. It starts at 7:20 so I have to shower now.", he said.

"Will you please take Yeonjoo to his daycare? His classes starts at 7:30 and he finishes at 2pm.", I said to him and he nodded.

"You want me to take him to your studio after his daycare, right?", he asked and I nodded.

I don't have a car or any vehicle for transportation but Jungkook has his motorbike.

He went to shower and I finished packing for the two of them. I placed the breakfast on the table and went to wake Yeonjoo up.

I let him wash his face on the sink since Jungkook is using the bathroom. Once Jungkook gets out, I dragged Yeonjoo with me so I could brush his teeth.

We three sat for a quick breakfast after dressing Yeonjoo up in his uniform. I gave him his backpack and I placed his lunchbox in there.

Jungkook also placed his lunchbox on his backpack and they both went out. "Be careful while driving, Jungkook-ah.", I warned.

Always been you, and you only || Jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now