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Jimin's POV:

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Jimin's POV:

Somehow, through the day.. Jungkook, Yeonjoo and I managed to walk around town; entering malls and such.

Jungkook and I always split the bill and to be honest; I was having so much fun. Jungkook's presence didn't bother me as much as the usual.

I saw sides of him that he isn't willing to show me before. He has shown them to Yeonjoo and I can see how he was having fun.

Having fun aside from the occasional growls he produces to keep other alpha from looking at me like I was some object.

Yeonjoo even copied him. I can't help but shake my head at the two alpha.

We got home after having dinner in a family restaurant for some quite healthy food in our system.

The three of us were giddy the whole day and fatigue slapped me hard when I step foot inside my flat.

Yeonjoo who was already asleep in Jungkook's arms continued to sleep. I had to take him from Jungkook as he has been carrying him on the way home which is a pretty long walk.

I laid Yeonjoo on my bed and removed his shoes. I tried to dress him up in a more comfortable clothes without waking him up.

I didn't notice Jungkook watching from my door as I tended to the adorable sleeping boy. I sighed in relief when I was done.

I came to finally notice Jungkook and silently asked him what he needed.

"Can I crash at your couch?", he asked and I just nodded. He must've been tired so I let him.

I went to just wash up briefly and brush my teeth. I laid beside Yeonjoo and got ready to sleep when Jungkook came back by my door.

"What?", I mouthed as he was looking at him.

"Give me towel. I have a change of clothes. And mind also giving me a spare blanket?", he murmured and I sighed.

I don't want to stand up anymore. My place in bed is already comfortable and I don't want to replace it with anything.

"Come on hyung.", He said in almost a begging voice. He walked on my bed side and pulled me up to stand.

I was yeeted into him by a lot of force and so I crashed on his chest and ended up hugging him.

I don't even know why we stayed like that for a few more seconds before realizing it. I can hear how fast his heartbeat thumped against my ear.

I panicked and pushed him back. I quickly dashed into my drawers and got him his blanket and his towel.

With that, he left the room in silence and I sat on the bed again. I don't know if I was too shocked or not but the adrenaline that coursed through my veins is making my limbs shake.

What the hell was that? Jungkook was supposedly my annoying friend that never fails to put a boil on my blood.

Why is my blood boiling in a strange way? That fucking muscle pig is really annoying me by putting confusion into my head.

Always been you, and you only || Jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now