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Jimin's POV:

I saw how his eyes widened at this. He did smell questionable at times, but he always went to burn the sent off in the shower before dinner.

I raised my brows at him and I slipped my hands out of his. I folded them into my chest and pulled off my bitch face.

"It's an annoying client at the gym. She's an omega, she isn't my client. She's signed with another instructors' name. She would always latch herself into me like a leech whenever she can.", he explained and he even shuddered in disgust.

"She just didn't believe that I was married and has constantly been inviting me for a one night stand.", he finished and I just know that he isn't lying. The mating bond is handy at this types of situations.

I pulled on my sweet evil smile and said, "I'm going to pay a visit to that gym tomorrow.". His goosebumps erupted at the intensity.

"Please don't create a commotion though. My boss will fire me.", he begged. "I won't. I'm not sure about that leech though.", I told him.

I bit my lip seductively at him. "Now, are we going to fuck or not?", I asked him with a raised eyebrow. He grinned at me and nodded happily.


Jungkook's POV:

Jimin hyung was passed out on my bed and I left him to go take Yeonjoo to the dance studio after his school. I'm 200% recharged today.

This is amazing. I had to keep in mind what we had talked about earilier. I feel like Jimin hyung was upset when he felt that I didn't respect his opinion to a big decision like that.

I really feel bad about it. I shouldn't be ever keeping anything from him. He's my wife and we will be together till our last breaths.

I can't have him remembering that I didn't trust him enough in something or anything so I had to keep some to myself. It is decided that I should only be focusing on my studies now since it's what he thinks that is good for me.

I trust him more than I trust myself in this. It's alright to rely on him the way he relies on me. We're together for that reason.

I saw Yeonjoo running towards me as I was standing outside of the car and waiting for him like the other parents are. When I saw him, I carried him up and kisses his warm cheeks.

It was cold outside so we had to go inside the car so that we wouldn't freeze. I started the heating system in the car and drove out of the school towards the studio.

When we got there, I had to change Yeonjoo into his dancing clothes and bring home his uniform so I could put it to a quick laundry.

I got used to doing this on Wednesday. I greeted Mina noona who was taking over today and said goodbye to Yeonjoo. I also met Jin hyung in there and got called by Yeonjoo again.

"Dad! You will forget my bag.", he said as he pointed at his bag and I went back. "Thank you for reminding me. See you later!", I told him and he waved goodbye to me.

"I can't believe that I have a grandson at this age.", Jin hyung muttered but I heard it clearly. "Yeonjoo, call Uncle Jin your Granny as well. He's like my surrogate mother. You know what a surrogate mother is, right?", I told him and he was quite confused.

"Mommy did tell me what a surrogate mother is. But why Uncle Jin? He looks young.", he asked me and that backfired on me. Jin hyung was snickering.

"What types of things do you two teach this child? Isn't that too advanced for him?", Jin hyung asked. "Oh, not really. He's pretty advance to begin with so Jimin hyung was just answering questions he was asking.", I answered.

Always been you, and you only || Jikook FFWhere stories live. Discover now