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Jimin's POV:

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Jimin's POV:

I fell asleep with the warmth and the comforting scent that the Alpha has provided for me.

I got up when my alarm rang. Jungkook protested half asleep and I chuckled at him. I remember those times when we were little, Jungkook and my brother back at home would always cuddle up to me while sleeping.

I prepared lunch for them and I took note that this will be the last time that I'm packing lunchbox for Yeonjoo.

Jungkook woke up next and I know that he can smell his scent on me from a few meters back. I know because of that smirk plastered in his pretty face.

He volunteered to wake Yeonjoo up and get him dressed for me and I just nodded.

I heard them giggling to themselves and I shook my head. Those alphas and their secrets.

When they finally sat down for breakfast. The two were looking at each other as if signalling who should talk first.

"Uhmm.. Kook hyung wants us to go to Everland tomorrow and he wants to ask if you're free.", Yeonjoo said and the two of them had the similar expecting expression.

I chuckled at them and ruffled both of their hairs at the same time before nodding. "Ugh.. Hyung! I spent at least 15 minutes doing my hair.", he grumbled as he lightly slapped my hand away.

"Uhh... it's obviously gonna get ruined when you put your cool helmet on, Kook hyung.", Yeonjoo told Jungkook in disbelief.

I can tell that Yeonjoo wants to point out how dumb Jungkook is at the moment, but won't do it since he wanted to be polite.

I chuckled and we ate our breakfast. Yeonjoo and Jungkook are running late so I pushed them out the door.

I made sure they brought their lunchboxes with them and didn't forget anything. I sighed and did a quick dash to my bathroom.

The dirty dishes can wait until I get back from work. I dressed up and had brought everything that is necessary to bring for me and for Yeonjoo.

So this is how a mom works. I can never imagine being a single parent. I'm proud of Jungkook's and Yeonjoo's mom.

I almost didn't catch the bus on the way to my studio and sighed in relief when I did. I reached the place and opened it.

It's Friday and I don't know why more people shows up when Mina isn't around. Some moms probably do not like her especially the omegas.

Like I said, I don't know why. I greeted the early ones with a smile and settled inside. The zumba session is always the fun part of the day because it includes conversing while dancing with mated people.

People definitely has commented on the unique scent I was bringing with me. They can smell the alpha on me and I wasn't even surprised.

I certainly didn't notice time during work because I love what I do. I only had a track of time when Jungkook came in with Yeonjoo.

Always been you, and you only || Jikook FFМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя