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Jimin's POV:

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Jimin's POV:

It is Saturday and I had my heat until yesterday. Mina must've been exhausted for not having a day off.

I sheepishly called her to tell her sorry but she told me that she didn't mind. She had Momo with her the whole time.

Momo is one of Mina's best friends. The one I'm closed with is Sana and she's a great dancer as well. The two of us gossip from time to time.

Other than that, Jungkook left the house because he have four tattoo appointments. I don't know how much money he earns from tattooing people, but he said that it pays well.

I sighed and just went to clean up the flat until it was squeaky clean. It took me six hours and I wasn't thinking that much while doing so.

Cleaning around distracts me from thinking about one specific alpha named, Jeon Jungkook.

The scent that is going around the place has reduced dearly and I am thankful for that. I was so bored without having to talk to anyone and not wanting to go out at the same time.

I decided to make some side dishes to keep my mind working on autopilot. It's also a way to avoid thoughts that will circulate around the younger.

I had my mini very late lunch or very early dinner while doing that. It's around 4 or 5 o'clock already. I cooked up teokbokki with the recipe I found from YouTube and get on with it.

I still have a very bruised butthole and a sensitive prostate so I didn't make it too spicy. I made sure that it's yummy though.

Having a wrecked butthole is also a reason for me not to go out and socialize. Long walks will make my sore thighs cripple.

I also made korean pancakes or pajeon to go with the dinner. I made sure to cook up some marinated beef because Jungkook has burned muscle fibers.

I was humming while cooking, too busy to notice my phone ringing. I have left it in my room earlier today.

Once almost done, I looked up the clock and it was already 7?! It took me nearly three hours to accomplish our dinner?

I finished up cleaning the station I have made a mess with and placed our dinner on the table. Jungkook is getting late.

Did tatooing really take that long? I decided to call Jungkook so I went to my room to get my phone.

Once I opened it, I saw Jungkook's missed calls and texts so I opened them.

Stupid Buff:
/ missed call /

Stupid Buff:
/ missed call /

Stupid Buff:
/ missed call /

Stupid Buff:
/ missed call /

Always been you, and you only || Jikook FFDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora