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"Because it feels like I'm playing pretend to be your son."


I gasped when I heard him say such a thing. "Where did that Idea come from?", I tried to ask as gently as possible, because somehow, I'm about to boil with anger.

"When Uncle Jihyun came to pick me up from school with Jooseok hyung, we happened to be playing with other kids. I initially introduced Jooseok hyung as my cousin, but one of them told us that we looked nothing alike and they kept on egging each other to bully Jooseok hyung's inferior pheromones.", he carefully told me the story. I listened very attentively.

"I tried to step in to tell them off, but hyung stopped me. He suddenly went off and shouted that I'm not even his real family. Of course, I thought about it just now and understood that he must've said it out of the tension he felt at that moment. But then the other kids started telling me something like, 'What the heck? Stop pretending to be family members then!' and now I came to this conclusion.", he explained.

It calmed me down a little now that I finally understand where he was coming from. "I listened as your hyung, but I'm gonna speak as your dad now.", I raised notice. "First thing that you should know and always remember, no one in this family is pretending nor is being forced to pretend to be your family so neither should you."

This statement stopped him from crying. I wiped his residue tears before continuing. "It's nice that you are considerate enough to understand your hyung's feelings at that moment. I'm assuming that you've already forgiven him and doesn't blame him for what happened, right?", I asked him and he nodded.

I sighed before telling him this one. "Whether you are Kim Yeonjoo or Jeon Yeonjoo, it doesn't change the fact that you're a son to two batches of parents. They are still your family, and we are your family too. We've already told you this before. What anybody else outside of our family says are irrelevant especially when they aren't on their right minds to understand yet. Got it?"

I pulled him in a tight hug. "I'm so happy, Dad." I smiled when I heard him call me Dad again. "Aigoo, you don't have to think too much about sure things. Those thoughts are the same level of thoughts I had when I was already in my senior year of high school.", I shared.

In the end, I carried him back to our room and he slept on top of me just like how a baby his age should. I can finally fall asleep. Just kidding, Jungmin is crying again.

I had to let go of Yeonjoo for a bit to carry the youngest. I checked if his diaper was the problem and I was right. I took him with me to the nursery to change his diaper and even mixed milk fomula for him.

He was sucking on the bottle cutely while we walked back to the room. When he fell asleep again, I checked Minji's diaper to see if she has the same problem although she's asleep.

It's hard to know since she barely cries. I remembered that she has a slight rash so it wouldn't be good for her to be soaked. I took her and changed her diapers together with reapplying ointment on her baby bum. She was awake when we finished so I figured that she'd also want milk so I fixed her some before we went back to bed.

While waiting for her to finish it, I observed my family over the very dim light. Ah... I'm also very happy at this moment that it felt also unreal for me. I chuckled and looked over  at Yeonjoo who is finally asleep after trying to cry his worries away on his own.

//Orig Author Roughs before he passed away//

I should take note of this behavior in order to avoid it from being a habit. After all, it wasn't the first time it happened. I hope for better days in the future. And so I pray to all the saints, to every god, and the universe that they give me to power to protect this family. I want to stay with them for as long as forever.

"You should sleep.", Jimin whispered with his raspy voice. I went back to sleep with the whole family and I can say that this is paradise. Not long after that, we woke up to start the day ahead. I got in charged with cooking while Jimin breast-fed the twins one by one.

"I think I'm producing more milk today than usual. Even Jungmin was sucking with ease.", Jimin mummbled, but I heard. "I don't know if you noticed this too, but mom you're practically glowing far more than usual.", Yeonjoo pointed out.

"Now that I heard it from you, then it must've not been my imagination since earlier. The house is filled with your pheromones, hyung.", I told Jimin. He walked over to the kitchen and there I saw his dilated purple eyes with rings of gold.

"Oh no, I think I'm going through heat sooner than later.", he said in panic. If that's true, then it's also about time I get ny rut after all that pregnancy. "What's happening? The pancakes smells like burning.", Yeonjoo pointed and I rushed over to them.

I saw Jimin embracing Yeonjoo to his side and kissing his forehead while thanking him. "Without you, this will be a whole lot messier.", Jimin giggled. "My first baby is so cute, right Jungkook?", Jimin asked me. "Absolutely! That's me right?", I asked teasingly.

"No, silly. Yeonjoo is always gonna be my first baby.", Jimin said this as he placed Jungmin on the movable crib beside Minji.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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