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Indiana: I'm so upset
Ohio: What? Why?
Indiana: I just confessed to bama and all he said was "word"
Ohio: I'm sorry but that's....really funny-
Ohio: uh but sad for you

Indiana: Y'know
Indiana: Polyamory isn't easy
Indiana: I have to keep up with which bad jokes I've used up on each partner

Indiana: [does something cute]
Ohio, to Alabama: [under his breath] Man, are you seeing this shit
Alabama: [loudly] un-fucking-believable

Florida: I always sleep with a knife under my pillow.
Texas: Weak. I always sleep with a gun.
Alabama: You're both pathetic.
Florida: Really? What do you sleep with?
Alabama: Indiana.

Florida: You look tired, Indiana keeping you up late?
Alabama: Uh....yeah... something like that
[at night]
Indiana, with a poorly done cowboy voice: this blanket ain't big enough for the both of us
Alabama: please just go to bed

Alabama: your existence is confusing
Indiana: how so?
Alabama: your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me

Ohio: All my shirts keep disappearing, it's weird
Alabama: Yeah same
Indiana, clearly wearing their shirts: How weird

Alabama: [Running to Indiana for a hug]
Indiana: [moves]
Alabama: Indiana! Why did you move?
Indiana: I thought you were going to attack me.
Alabama: I was going to hug you!
Indiana: Why would you hug me?

Indiana, jokingly: I should have Alabama kill you for that!
Alabama, peeking around the corner: who do you need dead
Indiana: No- it was a joke, babe
Alabama, holding a knife: are you sure? I don't mind
Indiana: I'm very sure. More sure than I have ever been in my life.

Alabama: If Indiana and I were both drowning, who would you save?
Ohio: I don't know, both of you.
Alabama: No, if you could only save one of us.
Ohio: Well, I would probably save Indiana, because he can't swim and I happen to know you're an excellent swimmer.
Alabama: What if I was holding an anchor? Who would you save then?
Ohio: Well, why don't you just let go of the anchor?
Alabama: It's a family heirloom.
Ohio: I'm leaving.

Alabama: Everyone, raise your hand if you thought Ohio, Indiana and I were dating
Alabama: dammit Indiana, Ohio, put your hands down!

[playing twister]
Ohio: Alabama, right hand on blue
Alabama, ending up on top of Indiana: okay, you're doing this on purpose aren't you?
Ohio: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. I'm surprised you didn't notice sooner

Ohio: Oh my god! Oh my god, it's happening! Say yes!
Indiana: YES!
Alabama: Oh-okay, but technically you just said yes to Ohio.
Indiana: Well, ask me, Alabama!
Alabama: Indiana, will you marry us? Me? Mostly me.

Indiana: I'm not that good looking...
Ohio: Yeah, you are.
Alabama: You kind of are.

Indiana: [is unconscious]
Ohio: he isn't breathing!
Indiana: [opens eyes]
Alabama: I have to do mouth to mouth!
Indiana: [closes eyes]

Ohio: Why is Indiana lying on the rug crying?
Alabama: He's drunk.
Ohio: Okay, so...?
Alabama: He heard that you and I were married.
Ohio: We're married to him, though...?
Alabama: Yeah, he forgot.

Random headcanon: Indiana is insecure about how he talks

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