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Motivation machine broke so here's this

Florida: You wouldn't want to date me...I'm a handful

DC: That's ok! I have 2 hands!

Florida: aw, babe you had a crush on me?

DC: We're married

Florida: Still

CDC: I just slept for 12 hours but I'm still I'm gonna sleep for another 12

California: Isn't that a coma?

CDC: Sounds festive 

DC: I care about all the states equally

Louisiana: Yeah...sure

Louisiana: While we're at it, there was a-

DC: Is Florida okay?!

Louisiana: (takes a sip of his drink) I figured

Florida: Go big or go home

DC: Please just go home

DC: Just this once

Florida, whispering: I'm going big 

DC: Florida you have to learn to pick your battles

DC: No...put some back

DC: Florida that's too many

I went thru a bunch of stuff but I can't tell if these were already done

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