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Remember 49? Here's a part 2 :^)

Tw: death

"Looks like I had the upper hand today" He grins, walking over.

When he reaches where Florida is sitting, he holds his hand out to help the other up. Florida glances over at the hand, then looks up to DC with tears in his eyes.

"You did." He gives a watery smile, moving to lean back on his elbows, "You won."

"What?" He's panicking now, "you can't die like this- you have to get up, the police will be here soon. You have to get ready for tomorrow-"

"No-" Florida winces, moving to hold his wound with one hand and leaning on the other, "I can't- can't get up."

"You have to-" He's getting desperate now, eyes filling with tears. Why won't he just get up?

Florida shakes his head, squeezing his eyes shut. He isn't going to make it, they both know it.

"I'm sorry." He isn't sure who said it, barely processing it over the horrifying realization that Florida's dying, he's dying and it's DC's fault.

He lunges forward to catch Florida as he falls, putting his hands behind the others head to stop it from hitting the concrete. He pulls Florida into his lap, sobbing as he tries to apply pressure to the wound, Florida groans and tries to shove his hands away.

"Please-" he sobs, taking in a shuddering breath, "please- this wasn't supposed to happen! You were supposed to win! God-!" He lets out a strangled scream, pulling Florida into his chest, "Why are you leaving me?" He speaks softly, sobs muffled as he runs his fingers through Florida's hair, "this wasn't supposed to happen."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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