quotes but the ships are everywhere

172 12 18

I haven't had enough coffee for this

California: You know what your problem is? You're really hot so no one has ever told you to shut your stupid fucking mouth

Texas: You think I'm hot?



California: Shit

Colorado, sobbing: It's a mental break down

Colorado: [blows into the wrong side of a kazoo]

Colorado: [flips the kazoo the wrong way]

Colorado: [sad kazoo noises]

DC: What do you do when life gives you lemons?

California: Make a chocolate cake and leave a bitch wondering how I did it

Florida: I thought you make orange juice


Florida: I'm gonna tell him

Florida: I'm gonna tell him I love him

DC: Go for it!

Florida: I love you

Florida: I told him

DC: Good!

DC: What'd he say?


Florida: "What'd he say"

Florida: Do you love me?

Louisiana: We're getting married tomorrow

Florida: is that a no

Florida: I'm pretty sure my soulmate is a bag of gummy worms

California: I just ate a whole bag of those

Florida: You fucking piece of shit, that was the love of my life

Florida: Would you take a bullet for me?

Georgia: Of course-

Florida: Great! I spoiled Cali's book, have fun! 

Florida:[runs out]

Georgia: Wait-

Florida: [hugs New York]

New York: [doesn't hug back]

Florida, hurt: Oh [goes to leave]

New York: [pulls him back into a hug] I can't stay mad at you

California: [yawns]

DC: being that pretty must be exhausting 

California: Is that why you're always tired?

DC: [blushes furiously] 


New York: I SWEAR 


New York: AND kiss it because you're adorable

California, flustered: oh

Florida: I have to kill him

Florida: I don't know how to hit on him so he has to die

Florida: You're way taller than me

Florida: Can you fucking slow down

Alaska: Get a pair of roller skates and hold my sleeve

Alaska: We don't have all day

Alaska: Yorkie I'm sorry

Alaska: Babe please talk to me

Alaska: Baby?

Alaska: Love?

Alaska: Light of my life?

New York: Sorry doesn't bring back my fucking skittles, Alaska

Florida: Cali help

California: What did you do??

Florida: I think I'm being homophobic

Florida: I keep getting upset whenever DC kisses a guy

Florida: And it keeps bothering me when he talks about dating a guy

Florida: I'm being homophobic

California: Are you being homophobic or are you upset it isn't you he's kissing

Florida: Holy shit

Florida: Like you and Texas?

California: Exactly

California: Wait

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