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DC: Would you punch someone for 2 million?

Texas: I'd roundhouse kick Oklahoma for looking at me

DC: [traps a wasp under a cup]

Florida: [places 2 more cups down]

DC: Please don't

Florida: [starts shuffling the cups] 

New York: Are you two fighting or flirting?

California & Texas: Yes

Michigan: What brings you to my house?

Ohio: I threw a dart and it landed in a trash can.

CDC: How long has it been since you slept?

DC: Bold of you to assume I sleep

Florida: I don't believe in gay marriage

DC: What?? Why?

Florida: I'm not being homophobic, I just don't think it exists

DC: How??

Florida: I've never seen one

DC: Well that doesn't mean-

Florida: Maybe you could change that

Kingsley after talking to Florida too much: Y'know it would suck if dad died but

Kingsley: [debbie ryan] that college essay tho

Florida, with gen z humor and TikTok: As you should

Utah: What??

Florida, to the CDC: your pronouns are they/them but I just wanna be they/theirs 

CDC: Great, can you wear your mask? 

Florida: You're asking a bit much

DC: [bites into ice cream]

Florida, calling 911: Hi, yes, I'd like to report a crime

Texas: Oklahoma, my arch nemesis 

California: I thought I was your arch nemesis

Texas: I have a life outside of you, California

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