random stuff my brain wont let go

153 8 3

DC and Florida's love language is physical touch

Louisiana and California's love language is quality time 

New York, Connecticut, and Colorado's love language is words of affirmation

Florida has a bunch of band hoodies and a Beetlejuice hoodie

Florida is the best with his call, he can ignore it, tune it out and call himself to certain places

Florida's call stops working when he gets too anxious

One day Florida's being too distracting so Utah gives him a lego set and tells him to build it and when he gets back he's surprised to find out it's actually finished and there are no left over pieces but for like a week after everyone but Florida steps on at least one lego

They have to share a bathroom and its really funny to me to think that the first time they tried to brush their teeth, (I thought it would be New York, California and DC) they all tried to spit at the same time and end up accidentally bumping heads

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