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He shouldn't have left the kids with Florida but Illythia was sick and the others were busy and now it's too quiet. He's panicking when he flings open the door and steps inside, ready to see something broken or someone hurt. 

Florida pauses when he hears Utah's footsteps down the hall, watching the door swing open as Utah bursts in with a panicked look on his face. Jaxon had asked Florida to help cut his hair while the others watched whatever Disney movie was currently playing. 

"Could you let me finish cutting his hair?" Florida asks, double checking to make sure it's even. 

"Uh" Utah stops, surprised, "yeah- yeah, sure." 

He can tell Jaxon's relieved and his heart sinks as he realizes how Jaxon must feel. 

"You're doing great, kid." He says once Utah has settled on the couch with the others. 

"Thanks." He doesn't need to be facing Jaxon to know he was smiling.

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