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Somewhat Florida angst (it isn't really centered on him, it's the siblings from 'A random headcanon') but it's entirely self indulgent

It doesn't happen fast, it's small things. The way his brother seems to look through all of them after talking to his father, how he seems to find a reason to avoid them whenever they ask to talk to him, the way he seems to curl away when they move too fast. It's small things, so it doesn't matter.

He asks one day, to talk to his brother. His father glares at him, but he isn't going to back down. He ignores his father, focusing on his brother. His brother who is staring blankly at the floor. He asks again, watching his brother's reaction. There's light in his eyes again and he seems to realize it's his younger brother. He declines, giving a small smile and saying he's busy.

For a moment he's surprised, but they were never that close and he hasn't been talking to the others as much either, so he doesn't mind too much. He'd deal with it later.

The next time it happens, they're arguing over something stupid. He remembers telling Florida he hates him and storming off before his brother can reply. He doesn't see him for a while after.

When he does, his brother looks broken, tears that have yet to fall in his eyes. He reaches out, hoping is brother will accept the help. He does, collapsing against the younger and sobbing. Leo just hugs him tighter and waits.

His brother looks happier, coming back one day after leaving with their father. They hadn't been told why Florida had to go, but they knew not to question it. He's looks so much younger like that, genuinely smiling for the first time in what feels like forever.

His brother talks to them less and less, giving more half-assed excuses and going to talk to other people. Leo's only met two, Georgia and Mary.

His brother teaches him piano, the way Mary had. He wants to feel happy his brother is talking to him, but he feels horrible at taking his brother's small happiness again.

He can tell it bothers Florida when his father congratulates him on learning piano instead of Florida. He's thankful, but he wishes his brother had kept the skill to himself.

His brother doesn't come back one day, only his father does. Two weeks pass and he still doesn't return, their father ignores them when they ask.

It hurts more than he thought it would. There's a lot he wishes he said to his brother.

But he keeps moving anyway. His brother told him not to give up, so he wouldn't.

He goes to school for psychology and gender studies. He still practices piano whenever he misses home or his brother, but he's learned to cope.

He gets an apartment with two friends in California.

He finds out one day, that Florida still spoke to the others. He knows he has no right to be upset, knows he was an asshole, but he still wishes his brother would talk to him again.

When they do see each other, Leo's on his way to work when he sees his brother across the street. They both stop, waiting for the other's reaction. His brother leaves first, turning away and speaking to someone Leo can't quite see. He looks happy, much happier than when he was with his siblings.

Leo takes longer to leave, he misses his brother.

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