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A/N: Y'all remember the TikTok hc? Here we go...yes it's more DC x Florida, I swear I can post normal content. 

[The video opens with someone running on concrete. This continues for fifteen seconds before the person seems to reach their destination. They stop and point the camera up, revealing a large tank with an alligator inside. The person moves the camera to show a step ladder and begins climbing, emptying a bad of fish into the tank. 

"There's my big boy" The person coos as the alligator begins to eat the fish "He's the best" 

The video ends]

Caption: @ investi-gator 

Look at my son, I'm so proud. 

[The video begins with someone running through a house, then upstairs. They reach a door and swing it open, then aiming the camera at a mirror.

"ADHD's a bitch" They move the camera back to the floor and walk out as the video cuts off.]

[Reply to @ Zoey102: That's it? That's the vid?

The camera is pointed at the mirror again

"Well actually, I woke up- had an idea and decided I would make the video. Then a video showed up on my for you page about alligator and I didn't think it was right, it wasn't, so I went through 13 hours of research without realizing, got hungry and went to get food, got distracted and forgot why I went to the kitchen. So I decided to grab a beer instead, then I remembered a question I had and went to look it but but realized I hadn't made the video yet and I didn't know what I wanted to make the video for originally. Hyper-focusing is a bitch" ]

Caption: @ Penis-Man69 I'm trying my best

[The video opens with a door being kicked open. The user points the camera at a mirror and begins speaking.

"My DUMBASS really looked at this straight guy and was like yes sir, that's the one I want. Not people that tolerate me, not people that would even think about liking me back, not my friend who I have everything in common with. This fucking straight ASSHOLE that HATES ME"

There's a pause as the person appears to calm down, "That's all thanks for watching" Their voice is softer now as they point the camera at the floor and the video ends]

Caption: @ Penis-Man69 I don't think I could've handled catching feelings for my friends if I'm being honest 

[The video shows the user sitting in an office chair with wheels spinning around with the disco filter on. Text appears on screen that reads: 

Me falling for a straight boy: 

"Your honor I would like to plead guilty and as well request for the death penalty"

The camera cuts to show the person under a sink with text above them that reads,

My friends: 

they mouth the words to the audio,

"This-this is a parking tick-"

The video ends]

Caption: @  Penis-Man69 I'm doing great 

[ Text on screen reads: 

My followers:

"What. The hell. Did you do?"

The camera cuts to the person with sunglasses down, holding their hat to their chest to reveal dyed orange hair, "In my defense, you left me unsupervised"

The camera cuts to the person on the office chair again, "You're a grown ass adult-"

 "And you left me unsupervised" The person is looking at someone off screen and smiling as the video ends]

Caption: @ Penis-Man69 I was left alone for 3 hours and that was 3 hours too long apparently

[Reply to ThatBoi420: (Comment: Don't be shy, show the reactions)

The camera is being held under a table again. 

One person to the side of the one holding the camera speaks,

"Why would you-"

"You guys left me alone...for three hours, so it was this or crimes, be grateful" They look as though they're struggling not to laugh

"I would've preferred crimes, orange? Really?" A voice comes from the other side of the speaker.

"Babe- you don't like my hair?" The person says, faking a hurt expression

"No- I want a divorce"

The person holding the phone makes a shocked face as the video cuts out]

Caption: @ Penis-Man69 I got divorced for a TikTok, are y'all happy now

[Reply to CaptainHook: That's a big boi!!

The person runs up to a tank with multiple alligators inside and climbs a ladder to the side. 

"Yeah they are!" The person holds a hand out as they swim towards the person. 

"They're the best" The person holds their hand in the tank for the alligators to come closer. 

The video ends as they get down from the ladder.]

A/N: Should I do more? Have them find it? 👀

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