A random headcanon

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This hc has been in my mind for like a week...anyway! 

Thomas is the oldest, Jeremiah (Jeremy) second oldest, Florida is the middle child, Sebastian is second youngest, and Leonardo is the youngest 

Florida: When I was younger I used to pretend you weren't my dad

Spain: Me too

Tom: Have a nice day-

Florida: Don't tell me what to do

Jeremy: How long are you going to let him do that

Florida, recording: Give it a minute

Leo: [Pushing as hard as he can on a door that says pull]

Seb: Hey do any of you know how to play the trumpet? 


Seb: I wanna walk around the house playing the trumpet to annoy Florida

Leo: You don't need to know how to play the trumpet to do that




Seb: You have opened my eyes, thank you



Florida, crying: whAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN-

Florida: Being the middle child is really easy to explain actually

Florida: There's the favorite child, not me

Florida: Being chaotic because no one ever cared about me

Florida: Latching onto fictional characters because they can't leave or ignore me, like my family

Florida: The fact that I can take care of myself, because I was ignored and not the favorite

Florida: And the fact that for years it was a habit to yell "Not my fault!" because I was constantly blamed for the messes my siblings made

I kinda ran out of quotes so here's some hc abt his siblings

Tom and Jerry (Jeremy) are from Britain's side while Seb and Leo are on Spain's side

Florida was the middle child and didn't real act out much (he still got blamed for everything)

Spain taught Florida how to cook 

Florida also tries to break something whenever he's in the kitchen, or refuses to cook well so the others have just agreed to never let him cook

The older siblings are Florida's favorites, Jeremy because they never really spoke and Tom because as put together as he is, does not mind causing chaos with Florida

The younger siblings constantly got him in trouble 

He and Tom both complain about how often they got blamed for their siblings messes

Tom is actually pretty successful, he's an accountant 

Jeremy is slightly less put together, he's in college and basically living on coffee and ramen 

Jeremy is an art student studying 2D animation (Florida helps him out bc Jerry rarely caused problems)

As much Chaos as they caused, Seb and Leo were pretty shit at hiding it because they were used to blaming Florida

Florida's go-to siblings for crimes are Jerry and Tom 

Florida refuses to talk to Seb and Leo whenever he has a choice 

Florida wasn't really a chaotic kid, he didn't like negative attention as a kid and originally overworked himself

but the more he got blamed for things the more he figured it would be the only way to get people to talk to him

Now he breaks things because its fun, but also because he doesn't like being ignored 

Florida's siblings didn't need many life skills until they were adults so every once in a while he has to leave a meeting or something to explain something to Tom or Jerry

Tom is very book smart but the second he actually has to do something he's fucked- he's great at math and loves reading but will somehow manage to burn water

Jerry is a bit better, but it's very basic and he still has to ask Florida for help a lot

Once they were both a little older, Florida and Jerry were totally theater kids 

And finally, a not too great explanation on the ages- since his siblings aren't technically connected to a state or anything, their immortality works a bit different. They're immortal because their cells never start dying faster than they get replaced (they all stopped aging at 25 but keep track just to bug each other with ages) 

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