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California: You're useless

Florida: No I'm not

Florida: I can be used as a bad example :)

DC: What's wrong with you

Florida: I have this weird thing where I hate myself but think I'm better than everyone else

Florida: hey do you want to- stop screaming- do you want to watch shrek with me


Florida: ok well when you're done do you want to watch shrek with me

Florida: I made tea.

DC: I don't want tea.

Florida: I didn't make you tea, this is mine

DC: Then why'd you tell me?

Florida: It's a conversation starter.

DC: It's a horrible conversation starter.

Florida: Oh really? Because we're having a conversation.


Florida: Checkmate. 

Washington: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?

California: Maybe a little tipsy?

New York: Drunk.

Louisiana: Wasted.

Florida: Dead.

Colorado: Say yes to drugs.

DC: Say no to drugs.

Florida: It doesn't matter what you tell drugs.

Florida: Because if you're talking to drugs, you're taking drugs.

Florida: I hate it when people ask "What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?" Like. Awfully bold of you to assume I've reached peak dumbass.

California, banging on the door: We're going to be late, open up!

Florida: I miss my dad 

California: That's not what I meant-

Louisiana: No let him finish


California: We're gonna be late, come out

Florida: I'm gay

California: Not what I meant but I support you

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