States as Tom Harlock quotes pt2

93 8 5

Some of these are edited

Warning: drugs, threats, suicide mention/implication

Florida: I don't want my DNA on file

Florida: Because I know that I'm gonna commit a very terrible crime in the future. 

Florida: Not sure what it is, not sure when, not sure if it's going to involve other people, I'm not sure if you should be worried (I'd be worried) but I know that I'm probably gonna regret the day that I voluntarily give my DNA to the authorities 

Florida: I'm sorry, I'm not about to pay to turn myself in for a crime I have yet to commit.

California: You need sleep

California: Look at your under eye bags

Gov: Under eye bags? You believe I've got under eye bags

Gov: For all you know, I could have a genetic disease. I mean I don't but I definitely could, and how would you feel then? 

Gov: Taking the piss out of my under eye bags, you know what I'm gonna do with these under-eye bags

Gov: I'm gonna tie them to your ankles and fill them with rocks and then throw you into the nearest lake with these under-eye bags, how does that make you feel? 

Gov: Perhaps I went to far-

Gov: No, actually I completely disagree with my previous thought. I didn't take that too far, I didn't take it far enough. 

Gov: I need to stop threatening to kill people and move on.

Gov: No, I did my research-

California: But-

Gov: What do you need me to spell it out for you? I would but I'm not sure you'd be able to understand either way.

California: [offended]

Florida: Genuine question, do you think you deserve rights?

Nevada: I'm left-handed.... Is this a trick question?

Nevada: Genuine question do you think not being able to read is a replacement for a personality (laughs in can't count)

California: Drugs won't bring your dad back


Florida: Nope but drugs are the reason my dad left, he walked into my room one day and said "son, what's that in your hand"

Florida: And I went "Sir that's my weed"

Florida: And he said "This is the last time I'm gonna be seeing you"

California: Kill me

Gov: No offense, California, but don't come into this meeting talking about how you want to be killed, alright? It's not all about you, if anyone's gonna get killed around here it's me and no one else. Thank you very much.

Nevada: Stewart little is a mouse, you pathetic excuse for a human.

Florida: Number one: Don't ever call me human again

Florida: Number two: Stewart little is not a mouse, what mouse do you know that can drive a car?

Florida: This fucker has airpods

California: [pulling out his airpods] what's that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of your low income

Florida: I feel like y'all could've been harsher

Florida: please don't take that as a challenge, I'm very very fragile

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