I can function *sometimes*

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Hero/Villain scene where DC and California are slow dancing at some event after DC finds Cali's identity 

DC's hand tightens around California's and he says California's other name, low enough that no one else can hear but loud enough that it catches the other's attention

He expects to be threatened but DC just tells him he's surprised they got that far and gives legitimate advice 

So Cali asks if he isn't supposed to leave the event and DC ignores it, continuing with the advice

At the end he warns California not to fall in love with him

California just replies with "you wish" 

and DC squeezes his hand one more time before telling him that yes, he does wish California would fall in love with him 


Florida will return the others' clothes but only so they wear it again and it smells like them when he takes it again (he's very touch starved)


On the subject of touch starved

Louisiana hugging DC from behind while the other is cooking or to remind him to go to bed while he's working too late

or Louisiana holding DC's hand under the table during meetings or carrying him to bed when he falls asleep working

Lord give me strengthKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat