Quotes but they make no sense

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Another self indulgent chapter bc motivation went yeet

[Playing murder mystery]

Florida: I'm a counselor now

Florida: Tell me your problems

California: [in the office] So there's-

Texas: I'll take him 

Texas: Tell me your problems 

California: I'm not telling him my problems

Florida: Tell him your problems

California: No [leaves] I'm not telling my fucking problems to Texas

Florida: Understandable [stabs Texas]

California: [walks back in] 


California: so it looks like my problems are gone 

California: nice work counselor

Florida, still holding a knife: Tell me your problems

California: No, they look taken care of-

Florida: [stabs him]

California: I was going to compliment your curtains

California: But they're ugly

California: Bitch

DC: How dare you shoot the employee I was going to fire

Florida: I fired him for you

DC: No, you fired AT him

Florida: What happens when you stand really close to a mirror and blink

Texas: [having an existential crisis]

Florida: You blink, it was a trick question 

Texas: Oh

Florida: So what do plants make??

Florida: Oxygen??

California: yeah

California: Did you seriously just ask that

Florida: No

Florida: It was awful though

Florida: But by the time they were dragging me away

Florida: I had already forced my fist into the honey mustard

Florida: And I had already eaten half the ketchup

Louisiana: Is it good though

Florida: ehhhhh

Florida: no

Louisiana: Is it still wet or is it just crusted on to your hand now?

Florida: It's just crusted a little

Florida: I mean

Florida: I really shoved it in there

Nevada: Can I lick it 

CDC: Don't- don't lick the crust off of his fingers

Florida: I'm probably gonna

Florida: I'm gonna mold it later

Florida: Probably gonna fill it with jelly

Florida: I'm gonna have a mold of my arm

Louisiana: That's a good option

CDC: What is wrong with you two??

Florida: I have a mold of my arm

Florida: Leave a comment if you think hopper is sexy

New York: Hopper?

California: No- what?? Don't do that

California: The heck??

Florida: Droppers

New York: Yeah don't do that- what the fuck

Florida: Just hoppers

New York: Do you mean like

New York: a hopper? Or Hopper from like stranger things? 

Florida: Hopper blocks are sexy

California: Hopper from a bugs life

New York, trying not to laugh: I forgot there was other things named hopper I guess

Florida, after winning spleef by not moving: I'M LUIGI

California: How-


New York: But-

Florida: I'M LUIGI

Florida: You know what they say the greatest game is


Florida: Ass

Florida: I like your flower collection

California: Thanks

California: My favorite is this dead one


California: I want to die

Florida, wearing his sunglasses: So-

Jaxon: Are you blind?

Utah: Oh my gosh

Florida: No, they're just glasses

Kingsley: Oh shit

Kingsley: Are you blind??

Utah: Why is that your first question

Utah banned conversion therapy for minors

New York: Who would Florida's senpai be

Louisiana: DC

California: No it wouldn't be DC.....DC's a bottom

Louisiana: PFFFFT

DC: What?

Florida: Of course I'm going to do exactly what you tell me not to do, that's my motto

DC: Yeah don't tell me what you're doing

Florida: What's a motto with you

DC: Stop

California: How do we get out?

Louisiana: Florida

Louisiana: Eat the door

Florida: Okay

California, after Florida eats the door: What the fuck

Florida: Yeah but you're my real dad

Spain: Yeah but you're a disappointment

These quotes might seem a little weird, but they're from Mithzan's videos on youtube

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