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California realized first

California loves musicals and is the only reason Texas has/will ever sit through one

Texas asked NY for advice bc he and California hangout a lot

Texas is taller

Texas has probably had to carry California to bed at some point (Cali seems like he would be up at like 3 for coffee and musicals)

California tends to worry the most

Texas is very physically affectionate

California steals the blankets lmao

Texas would totally be the one paying for food whenever they go out

California has stolen some of Texas' clothes (Plot twist that was what happened with Texas' old shirt 👀)

California seems like he would cook more

Texas is also not allowed to drive when California is in the car because the last time he did he went wayyy over the speed limit

They told each other after Florida got everyone to play truth or dare

Texas uses nicknames more often

California has playlists that remind him of Texas for whenever they can't talk

Texas helping California deal with nightmares

Texas not saying anything when he feels upset because he's used to thinking having emotions is a weakness and California not saying anything because he feels bad bothering anyone

California coming up with a bunch of excuses to hold Texas' hand ("I'm just trying to prove a point" "I just wanted to test something-")

Texas is the big spoon

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