Cold Walls

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Arjun stood there with Subhadra. "Putr.. Subhadra.." Kunti ran out. She came and hugged Arjun and Subhadra, her eyes filled with tears of joy. All the four brothers also came with their wives and hugged Arjun. He didn't know of Nakul and Sahadev's marriage. Vijaya and Karenumati, rightly suited his brothers. But where was Krishnaa..
"Maa.. where is Krishnaa?", Arjun could not control his anxiety anymore, not atleast after his short eye interaction with Krishnaa. Her pale face literally made him shiver. "Actually Di has fallen a little sick. Mailini found her unconscious on the floor of her chamber. She has high fever. The Raj Vaidyaa is checking on her. She will shortly come to welcome you two..", Vijaya informed. "What!!!" Arjun literally shrieked. "She doesn't need to do all these formalities and stuff in this condition. Maa , you just let us in. I need to see her.. " Arjun said, as his voice cracked. His conscience was killing him, he knew what was the reason behind Krishnaa's illness. If anything happens to his Krishnaa for him, he will never be able to forgive himself -- he will die , a thousand bad bad bad deaths... "No, Sakhi is coming..." Nitambini announced, as she appeared with a hard and straight face. Her dagger-shooting looks at Arjun, could easily let Arjun assume Krishnaa's probable reaction. Suddenly the fiery queen appeared. Clad in a white embroidered lehenga, without any jewelries par only a few bangles in hand, her hair laid in a simple plait, she walked straight towards the new couple. Her head held high and her gaze fixed between the two, never looking at any of them. She walked up to them and did the Aarti. Her face hard yet radiant, absolutely without any make up or kohl, still her beauty surpassing all known bounds. Subhadra was rendered speechless. She had never seen the fiery goddess so plain and ethereal. As Krishnaa looked at her for a moment, she flinched at her place. Draupadi then smiled gently at her, making her relax a bit. Her eyes never met Arjun's. As she turn around and went inside, without a single back glance at him, his heart sank. She has abandoned him... All alone...
As Arjun freshened up by the evening, he went to his own chamber. He needs some solace. After entering his chamber and having a look around after so long, his heart became restless to see his Krishnaa. He stepped out, and immediately came across Nitambini. "Where is Krishnaa?" , he asked her eagerly, his voice drenched in anxiety and all other unknown feelings. "Rajkumar I think you have lost the rights to call her by that name, and I strongly believe that she will second my opinion. Moreover, as of now, you should think and take care of your new bride. The Queen has been living here for quite long now. She can manage. But, since you asked, she is having high fever. Malini, Rajmata, Priyamvada Maasi are inside her chamber. All your brothers and their wives are right outside." Nitambini sniffed as she continued, "the Rajvaidyaa says that her breathing is hoarse and she is still unconscious...", her voice cracked as she finished her sentence, and nearly ran towards Krishnaa's chamber. Arjun didn't know how to process so much at one go... He is the reason for all her pains. She is suffering this badly, just because of him... His insides crumbled in an excruciating pain. 

Arjun found almost all the royals standing outside Krishnaa's chamber, only Kunti, Priyamvada, Malini and Nitambini were inside. Subhadra was standing by the door. she didn't have to courage to go in, even if she wanted to.  Arjun made his way in. On the bed, lay Krishnaa, still unconscious. His guilt seized his words, still his love and longing pushed his feet to move forward. His gorgeous lady lay on the  bed, her face unnaturally pale, still shining in the lamplight. Kunti moved aside, making room for Arjun to sit. Arjun sat down and speechlessly kept on staring at her face. How many uncountable times has he dreamt of this face in the past three years?? He took her cold hand in his hands. Unknowingly, he broke into tears, his guilt slaughtering him inside out. "I didn't want to hurt you Krishnaa. I didn't want to be so cruel and heartless, I just loved you, fate played this cruel joke. I loved , love and will always love only you.. Hate me, but please wake up. I already hate myself much much more than a person can ever tolerate.. Krishnaa, please wake up. I know how much I have made you suffer, still my love for you hasn't lessened a bit. It has only increased..." Arjun broke into uncontrolled sobs," you can't and won't leave me. Try that, I will be coming with you. I love you. Please wake up, I still owe you my punishments.. Please...", Arjun begged, holding her hand to his forehead. By this almost all the others in the chamber, were crying, too. Suddenly Krishnaa's eyes fluttered open. Arjun gasped as he stared deep into those crystal blues. For a moment the bronze in her eyes shone, her Phalguni is back. She muttered, "Phalguni...". Arjun's eyes shone, as he wiped away his tears. Suddenly the hard reality hit her. She freed her hand from his grip, as her weak feverish voice murmured, "Leave..." Krishnaa took the support of Malini and sat up. Then she slowly signalled Malini, who requested all the people, "Could everybody kindly let her be alone for a while..?" Kunti and Priyamvada stood up to leave. Kunti stroke Draupadi's forehead, as she smiled back at her, faintly. The Rajvaidyaa handed over the aushadi to Nitambini, and gave her all the instructions of taking care of Krishnaa , and left. Subhadra turned around to leave, as her guilt  was crushing her. Krishnaa called her, "Subhadra.." Subhadra turned back. Arjun didn't know what to say. He was pained and shocked, to say the least. Subhadra slowly came towards Draupadi. Draupadi signalled to Nitambini, who brought a wooden jewel studded box. Krishnaa opened the box and took out a beautiful emerald jewelry set and a matching beautiful green velvet lehenga and handed those over to Subhadra. Subhadra was stunned. "This is to you from your elder sister. How can I ever forget this? You are the Princess of Dwarka, my Sakha's sister and obviously my youngest co-wife. Call me Didi, just the way all the other queens of Indraprasth do..." saying this she smiled. Subhadra smiled back and quietly left the chamber, utterly surprised. Arjun could read the agony behind the smile. Krishnaa laid back on her pillows, as Nitambini fed her the aushadhis. She closed her eyes, as Arjun sat back there. A safe silence conquered the room. Krishnaa opened her eyes after sometime, "I think you should leave now. Your newly wed wife must be waiting for you. After all its your first night together, at Indraprasth..", she added sarcastically. "Moreover, you two won't be getting a lot of lone time once we get to Hastinapur, by Mata Gandhari's invitation." Then she went silent and looked away. Arjun knew that the cold war had begun. Krishnaa will fight him with her strongest weapon, her powerful silence.. He smirked as tears glinted in his eyes. He looked towards Krishnaa and got up to leave. "Take care..", he whispered , before leaving. A tear slid down Krishnaa's cheek, as the demonic silence again took over. 

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