The Gurudakshina and consequences..

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I few months flew by. Arjun's name and fame were spreading all over Aryavart like a wild bushfire... One fine morning, I was just sitting in a living space in the Hastinapur palace. Duryodhan had called me for some important discussion. He entered the chamber. I got up as he came up and hugged me. The world calls him 'Dur'yodhan, but I know the 'Su'yodhan in him. His disappointment of deprivation has given rise to his envy which has in turn given birth to his rage. This rage drives all the negativities in him, and maybe that is another reason, why we both understand each other so well. For the whole world, he is using my abilities to strengthen himself, but I  know how true his friendship is. 

"What's  the matter, friend?", I asked him, a bit concerned. He tensed a bit and said, "Mitra, I have nothing to hide from you. Gurudev has asked us to give him  an appropriate Gurudakshina. Arjun readily agreed aloud, when Gurudev asked us to bring his old friend, or enemy, or whatsoever, captive at his  feet. I really have no clue how to get rid of that sly Drupad or his famous sly Chakravyuhs. Therefore, I want you to accompany me to the first war of my life."

I was overwhelmed at his extreme faith on me. I had instantly agreed.

It was night time. Dronacharya was sitting in his chamber in the Hastinapur palace. "Gurudev.." His favourite voice pulled him out of his subconscious stroll down the memory lane. "Come in Arjun...", he replied softly. "Did I disturb you?", Arjun asked like a kid. The kid in him was mostly unleashed in front of his Gurudev or Mata. Dron smiled, "Of course NO ,my son.. Sit..." Arjun took his seat on the couch beside his Guru and after a hesitant moment asked, "May I get to know the real story?" Dronacharya's eyes moistened, realising which 'story' Arjun was talking about. He shut his eyes for a long silent moment, and began narrating the tale of how his own friend had broken his trust and insulted him in public..... Dronacharya finished speaking and looked up to see Arjun's hazel eyes darkened and blazing with fury. After the final set of 'Good Night' formalities, Arjun left. Dron stared at Arjun leaving and whispered to himself, "I know YOU will win".

The next day, as I had feared, Dronacharya stopped me from accompanying the princes. A few days later, news came that Arjun has successfully defeated Drupad by breaking into the core of his Chakravyuh successfully. Dronacharya had forgiven his friend, while Drupad gifted half of his Kingdom to Dronacharya, who became a Rajarshi with his son Ashshwatthama as the Yuvraj. Arjun's father Indradev gifted him the famous Victory crown of the Heavens. Arjun thus attained two new titles- Vijaya and Kiriti.

About three months later, an invitation came from Kampilya. Maharaj Drupad was doing a special Putreshti Yajna to get a son, since he had only one daughter- Shikhandini. Dronacharya himself asked all of us, including the princes, princesses and me myself, to accompany him to Kampilya. Out of the Kaurava brothers, only Duryodhan and Dushasan decided to go.... 

Meanwhile, I had developed a subconscious mental affinity with Uruvi. However, it often reached my ears that her parents wanted to marry her to Arjun, and I was the least interested to be the third wheel in Arjun's personal life. However, we were always sharing an eye-glance or atleast some coincidental connect. 

After quite  a tedious journey, we all reached Kampilya....

The moment I remember the most is when She first opened her eyes, and stepped out of the yajnabedi-- her blue-lotus fragrance lingering all around, pulling my senses into the wake. Her beauty was unmatched.... 

No... I shouldn't think of her like this, now. She is already married to Arjun...

I suddenly remember ,how, after three years of that extremely significant day, I had confessed my love to her, after breaking all my internal inhibitions. She had readily accepted in teary eyes. Two days after that, she broke her probable marriage with Arjun and came to me.. The words and act of her pure love, still moisten my eyes....

But what we have done just a few months back, is really unforgivable. To be honest, I do want to be punished. However grave that is... I remember Her pained eyes... Her constant painful murmurs of 'Arya'.... Her unending love for him. Lucky Arjun.... His wife isn't just beautiful... She loves him TOO much. She was, rather, is, pregnant. And, this is the only act of Duryodhan I don't support a bit. The first time, I did accompany him to there. I even had a sadistic pleasure in seeing her suffer that badly, as the memories of her logically trapping and tricking me and not letting  me compete in her Swayamvar flashed across my mind. But, the second time Duryodhan went there, I didn't go along, because my guilt was already killing me.... 

I have even heard of the prophecies regarding Their daughter. I AM happy... I truly am... 


Okay... So that's the end of Karna P.O.V. and I am back to author's P.O.V. Yet again, I am so sorry for such late updates. Actually I am so so dead under the pressure of the pre-board mock tests, talent hunts... and what not!! Kindly bear with me.... 


The next morning messengers set out from Indraprasth to invite Uloopi, Aarya, Chitrangada, Alli and even Rekha. Krishnaa was astonished by Arjun sending invitation to Rekha by himself, infact a bit shocked. But, in her heart of hearts she knew that there was some deeper motif behind this act of Arjun. Arjun smirked internally, thinking about how interesting and exciting it would be to trap all the sinners all together, and that too, after the Rajsuya is over..... 

Subhadra was getting Abhi dressed up for the day. Priu has gone to Krishnaa, as she was missing her mother and her baby brother a LOT. Arjun entered Subhadra's chamber. Subhadra looked up. This was indeed a very unusual morning. Subhadra's eyes glistened. It felt like eons since he had last came to her. Abhi was all ready, so seeing his pitashree, he immediately jumped off the bed and ran to his father and hugged him. After a long period of hugging and cuddling, Abhi ran away to meet his Maai... Arjun looked up at Subhadra, as their eyes locked after a really really long time.  "Arya..", Subhadra whispered as she came closer to him. Arjun's eyes fidgeted. He can never do justice to this girl or their relationship. This relation should never have been. He loved her more like a sister. And this transition of role is too much to handle. He looked into her eyes, gradually... "I can never do justice to you or to our relation...." Subhadra put her hand over his mouth before he could speak any further. His confession of guilt--- that's probably one of those things which she wants to hear the least. He cares for her a lot, and that's all which matters to her. He loves his Krishnaa the most, and that is the ultimate truth of his life and his existence. She slowly hugged him. Arjun stood still there. Just had no power to retaliate the hug or the love--- he can't hurt or betray his Krishnaa for anything or anybody in this world. Not again...

She slowly broke the hug after a few moments. He smiled his characteristic gentle plastic smile. He roams around in front of the whole world with this mask on, which he takes off only in front of Her... After exchanging the final pleasantries, he left, and strided as fast as possible to Her chamber... He needs to unload the heavy weight which is crushing down his heart.. And only She can do that....

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