Beyond The Seas

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I got up and approached Mai, who immediately halted dead on his tracks to the next chore he had been up to. He smiled gently at me and bowed. I smiled and bowed back. 

"How may I help you my Lady?', he asked reverently, like the true gentleman that he was; but, I didn't miss the foreigner's accent in his words, as always. "Where are you truly from, Mai?" 

His face froze, his eyes widened, and I could almost hear his breath hitch in shock. He hadn't apprehended this. Then he blinked and took a deep breath, almost as if to steady himself. Then he bowed again, this time his one hand folded - palm placed on his chest, and the other hand behind him; unlike the usual folded-hand pranipaat. Then he rose and looked staright at my eyes. "Mesopotamia", he whispered, almost inaudibly, and the word ringing with emotions, making it clear that he hadn't visited his land in decades, centuries maybe. Period. How old is he? "How old are you Mai?" How had I not noticed this before? Being, Nityayuvani, I wasn't supposed to age, and kind of the same applied to Arya and Sakha and my soulsister too, due to their long-unacknowledged divinities. Maybe, that made me a little immune to noticing someone around, not ageing. His eyes glinted for a moment, and then he whispered again, "More than a millenium, technically." He smiled. Oh! He knew it. He has seen our past, he has been a part of the experience. But, he has been living away from the Heavens for quite some time. Where did he get the Somras from? That means..! 

"Earthlings manufacture Somras?!", I almost whisper-yelled at him. As expected, two pairs of eyes focused on us, and quickly, very quickly. It was only the four of us in the Yajnashala. 

Sakha and Arya walked up to us. "Where?", I heard Sakha's cool voice question. 

Mai simply bowed again, acknowledging Sakha and Arya's presence, and again looking me dead in the eye, whispered, "I am so sorry." For the first time, I noticed a hint of tears in his usually brave and steady dark brown eyes. "Who gave the formula? To whom? And where does this thing happen?" I had intended to shout out the questions, but instead, they come out as whispers. What's wrong with my voice, not raising further from a whisper?!  

"Rahu.." Mai's answer was short, simple and honest. Obviously, Rahu. Why did I even need to ask him to figure it out. Behind me, I heard Sakha grunt in annoyance. Well. It's really a wonder how much the human kind is lied to. 

Author's P.O.V.:

Who are the demi-Gods? Just a set of highly civilized and technologically modernized humans blessed with the power of the Somras, and thus embellished with the significant responsibilities of taking charge of certain forces of nature, by the Supreme Lords and the Mother Goddess. That is it! They are called the Devas. 

Who are the demons? The Asuras were actually the first civilization on the face of Earth. Nature, during those ages was terribly adverse to the newly developing civilizations. But, nonetheless, with their perseverance and distinguished physical strength as well. But soon their arrogance got the better of them. Crushing them, the Devas took over the Sapt Sindhu region, then completed by the flow of the Ganga from the Mahadev's jata.  Daksha, Lord Brahma's son, was given responsibility of ruling over the human civilization of the Sapt Sindhu, once the Devas moved to their divine abode -- the Heavens. 

Lord Manu, the Swayambhu, set up a civilization in the southern coastal plains of the great oceans, which most had only heard of. Later, as the sea rose, their civilazation had to be moved North into the Sapt Sindhu, to merge with that of the Prajapati. Lord Manu married off his daughter, Prasuti, to Daksha to maintain  the alliance. That was probably the first official political alliance secured by matrimony.

After the destruction of the whole civilization of the Sapt Sindhu, under Shiva's rage at Sati's demise, the Aryans came into picture. Many years later, Lord Vishnu, in the avatar of Lord Rama, vanquished the Asura population even south of the Narmada, and extended indirect Aryan rule into most parts of it; most importantly in Singhal, formerly, Ravana's Lanka - the vanquished Asura capital on Earth. 

LOVE: To Infinity And Beyondजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें