The Art

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"I am taking that a loud and clear 'Yes'??... Are you sure, my lady??", Arjun asked Krishnaa sarcastically. Krishnaa closed her eyes, as her lips curved up into a radiant smile. Arjun also closed his eyes and they stayed there, under the stars and the moon, a silent peace and love exchanging between themselves... Some time later, Arjun felt Krishnaa dozing off gradually. He chuckled to himself, as he picked Krishnaa up in his arms and carried her to their chamber. Covering her properly by the duvet and lying down beside her, he whispered, "It would be really so fun to teach you, my love... I would love to LOVE you...". Then he again chuckled to himself, and planting a soft kiss on her forehead, lay down beside her, hugging her close to him.

Next morning, Krishnaa woke up to find herself lying alone on the bed. She understood where Arjun could could be. She got up and after bathing, dressed up in Arjun favourite light white saree. She went to Arjun's practice zone through the back passage that connected their chamber to the practice zone. Arjun was doing a certain regime practice. Krishnaa waited a little away, behind him, so that her presence did not distract him. Arjun finished his practice while Krishnaa, for the first time enjoyed a blissful gaze at his perfectly tanned and toned abs. "Ohoo... I guess I caught someone staring... Didn't I? ... Yojanagandha....?", Arjun asked, still not turning back. Krishnaa bit her lip. Arjun now turned back at Krishnaa . "How did my dearie wife forget about her heavenly blue-lotus fragrance??"... He came near Krishnaa and added in a husky voice, "This bee would never ever miss a beat of it, though..." Krishnaa lowered her eyes, biting her lip harder. Arjun raised his hand and slowly untugged her lip from her teeth. "Don't...", He almost warned. Krishnaa looked up into his eyes, his expression unfathomable. "Just do me a favor please. Tonight, wear this saree and you obviously know how... I'll be back to the chamber sooner than ever....". Saying this he was about to hug Krishnaa, when she backed off. "I don't want to spoil this saree, then. Moreover I have bathed too. And, you are so sweat-drenched. ", she pouted. "Ohhh sorry, your highness...", Arjun chuckled. Krishnaa smiled, and looking up at him said, "Will you let me practice sword fight again? I used to be a warrior princess , you know...". Arjun came closer and looking deeper into her eyes said, "You not 'were', but 'are' a warrior. And, you don't need to seek my permission Krishnaa. You can you my practice zone itself. We just need to make sure that our practice schedules and timings don't coincide.....". Then with all his honesty, he added, "I want to re-clarify Krishnaa, I fell in love with the whole of you... Every bit of you.... And nothing about you excludes that list....". He planted a soft kiss on her forehead, as her eyes moistened. This man makes her love him more and more with every passing moment.
The day went on like any other normal day. Krishnaa had a lot of stuffs to deal with, in the kitchen, while Arjun stayed busy handling the military records and records of honorary alms arriving from various subsidiary states. By the end of afternoon, after lunch, Krishnaa also sat with the accounts records. She also seeked some of Krishna's advice in the financial matters. As the night arrived slowly, Krishnaa retired to her chamber, earlier than usual.

She quickly changed into the golden bordered off-white light silk saree, and paired it with a slim back and shoulder less blouse (, the usual plain one worn at that time) . She opened all her jewelries and let her hair open and fall free down one shoulder, baring her back. She didn't exactly know why she was feeling like doing all this, but she knew her power in this.

Arjun arrived in the semi-dark chamber. He quickly let go off of his jewelries and his uttariya. As he spotted Krishnaa, he knew what she has done. He slowly approached her. Sitting too close to her, he said, "Do you really plan on being my death tonight?", his voice husky, his desire evident. Krishnaa looked straight into his eyes, "How can I be the death of my 'teacher'? Just trying to be the best student, you know??", she replied, mock-innocence dripping her ringing voice.
Arjun closed his eyes. Only her voice could have this impact on him, just like her aroma. Her beauty too. She is too much to handle. Desire coursed through him. If he keeps himself waiting any longer, he may fall too wild for her to handle.
He opened his eyes and looked intensely into her eyes, the pair of hazels melting into the pair of crystal blues, as the bronze tint in her eyes shone bright. He took her hands in his.
"Shri Ram Chandra was the first man to make seven distinct promises to his wife... I'll just live to repeat those to you... I'll forever be by your side, no matter what... I'll take complete responsibility of our child... Err... Children...", he paused and looked into her eyes with a smirk as she couldn't help smiling back. "I'll always try my best to safeguard you from all the adversities... I'll always love you, till my last breath, more than my breath itself..." Her eyes were already moistening, as he continued to look straight into her eyes. "I'll always trust you more than I do my own shadow... I'll always bestow you with your due and deserving respect... And..." He paused yet again as he closed her eyes with a hand and he himself closed his own eyes too, "I'll always look at your heavenly beauty with the eyes of my heart and my soul, so that I look straight into your beautiful soul...." She picked the sentence from there, "I'll always feel your touch with my own soul, so that.... You don't need to touch this cloth called 'body', but the touch of love, respect and trust penetrates down straight into the soul..." "I promise..", they hoth finished in unison.

They knew that they were already one... Eversince they even existed... There can be no such 'union', thus... Just, this night was the night of re-confession.. A night to remind both of them that they were a single entity.. United in heart and soul..

He slowly leaned in to inhale the fragrance of her hair. Krishnaa took a sharp breath. As he stared at her tantalizingly beautiful eyes, he felt himself going wilder within. Krishnaa blushed heavily, her dark skin glowing under the light lamp lights. She was feeling exquisite. His husky voice muttered, "Please do away with your shame and fear, atleast in front of me...".

He loved it this way--- both of them honest , without any barriers in between. He then slowly placed a kiss on her cheek, as the intensity of his love increased. When would he actually ever come to know the true maximum limit of his love for her? She's not just a pretty face and hoards of accompanying qualities, she is a beautiful soul-- his better half, half part of his own soul. He soon laid her on the bed as his lips captured hers.

"Are you sure that you want to do this, Krishnaa...? I will be taking away one of your costliest treasurings that can never be returned. We can stop if..." Krishnaa sealed his lips with her index finger. "I know how much a lady treasures this. But, I trust and love you to such an extent that I can even give up my whole life on you..." she pacifies him, finally consenting by planting a soft kiss on his hand. His eyes moistened...

She lay her head on his chest, as they felt simple and utter serenity, peace and comfort. This was where they've always wanted to be-- in each other's arms, basking in each other's warmth. As they looked out of the windows at the Moon, even Chandrama and Rohini celebrated the immortal saga of their love...

The next morning Krishnaa was the first to wake up. Her slightest movement woke Arjun up. They both smiled subtly at each other as Arjun enveloped her into another protective and loving embrace. They both stayed silent remembering the most beautiful night of their lives.
Suddenly Krishnaa broke the silence. "My reward??!!", she demanded. Arjun instantly remembered the payal. He had been so occupied about the art and the artiste that he had forgotten the reward. He brought the payal from the dressing counter . Putting it around Krishnaa's foot, himself, he decided to make the best out of the golden opportunity. He slowly skimmed his hand up her leg... She shot a glare at him, knowing well what he was probably trying to do, as he replied with an absolutely innocent-looking smile, followed by a dark smirk...

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