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Krishnaa's P.O.V.:

I opened my eyes, after what felt like ages... "Arya...", the word escaped my mouth before I could even process anything further.. The wounds were all aching and I was feeling so dizzy and weak... It is obviously over a week that I am here, without the supply of any basic amenities but air... How am I even alive..? I looked around and there was a certain shine and spark here and there... This scares be.. but, I think.... This is ... Magic... Maya.. Somebody is helping those devils by casting this magic here to keep my near-dead, yet alive... But why?? Why did they need to torture me like this?! I wonder... They could have just taken me along, or straightaway do what they have brought me here for......

After a long moment of minute thinking, the most horrible possibility occured to me... Is it possible that I am pregnant again and they know about it before me myself?? Oh no!!! But how? Well, people who can use evil magic to capture me, torture me and still keep me alive... obviously they can use that same magic to get to know about my pregnancy..... No.... Not my baby... I'm not sure... But still, suddenly I'm feeling a strange affinity towards her... I think I am pregnant with Priu's sister... Arya... Please... I need to get out of here.. not because I fear the pain or torture , but because, I'm so so worried for my innocent baby....

Tears welled up in my eyes... Baby... For the first time in this captivity, I broke into tears... Arya....

I heard the door creak open... "Arya...", I was still sobbing uncontrollably... I knew they are here, but my tears knew no bounds.... "Woww.... I am so stunned and so pleasantly surprised...", I heard a wicked Duryodhan taunt.. "May I please know the reason behind the dark beauty's breakdown....", he mocked raising my chin and looking at my whole face, actually scanning my whole body with raw lust in his eyes. "Oohh I think I know....", then bringing his face dangerously close to mine, he whispered in a devilish voice, "Finally understood??", he questioned, as he looked down at my lower abdomen and then touched the bare part of it.. "Don't you dare!!", I shrieked and snapped away the moment his hand touched my skin. The next moment his other hand shot at my head as he fisted my hair and pulled my face closer to him, as his other hand continued to touch me...


Author's P.O.V.:

Krishnaa shut her eyes tight as Duryodhan's hand stood still at the bare skin of her waist... She shot the last weapon that she held, which she knew will stop this demon. "Stop, I said!! For the sake of your kids!!", she shrieked and his hand froze in place. He glared at her, while she kept her eyes squinched shut.. The next moment he removed his hand from her waist and slapped her tight on the left cheek. She fell aside...


Krishnaa's P.O.V.:

My cheek stung. The slap wasn't just a slap, it was a hit at my honour.... I fell aside... After a long painful while, I slowly raised a hand to touch my aching cheek.. there were several blood clots, I could say, from his rings, and the corner of my bottom lip was bleeding... Arya... I didn't notice when I really whispered out the word. The next moment there was another slap on the other cheek, after he raised me with a sharp pull on my arm.  "Heinous!!! You are doing a heinous crime by behaving with me like this... And, He will punish you for this!!", I spat. He grabbed my throat, as I almost choked. Then he slammed the back of my head against the wall behind...

Pain seared through me, as I could feel a serious wound... Blood trickled down the back of my neck... I knew I will pass out any moment, and probably for FOREVER...

People know me for my sharp tongue. I couldn't control the flaring fire on my sharp tongue, even in this situation...

"You know what, I'll do every possible thing to conquer your body, and now, your heart, as well, and enslave your whole being... I'll love to see you on bed for me... I'm even enjoying my view of a broken YOU... So tormented, still so beautiful...", the devil said, his voice laced with lust and greed, as he brought up his hand to touch my lips... That's it!!
"And, you know what.. I hate your whole existence, with every living pore of my being.... A person, as heinous as you, should never even have been born!!"

"Still..? Still so 'firey' huh? Let me show you..!", he shouted over my voice. The next moment he brought out the dagger from the side keeper in his waist. He didn't have a devilish grin this time, rather, his eyes shot fire. I flinched for a moment, and maybe for the first time, and the last time, as well. Soon, he brought the dagger to my wrist, moved the cuff a little aside and slit my wrist. I shrieked out , but couldn't even move-- I was cuffed and already too much drained of my energy... 

He left the place, closing the door behind... I fell aside, yet again, as I felt my whole body slowly surrender to the numbness....  I know, I won't die... But.... Baby....? "Arya...", I whispered, my voice so low and dead that even I myself couldn't hear it....

Arjun's P.O.V.:

It has been a whole week that I have been crazily searching for her... We have finally reached the borders of the Northwestern frontier provinces.. I get down from my horse. Madhav gradually follows. I stand back, letting him lead the way. The Narayani Sena, as per instructions, surrounded the whole capital, making sure no one could escape out.

"Madhav...?", I asked for his indications.. He pointed towards the open barren field that was right in front, below the cliff where we were standing. I looked forward, and there stood the whole army... Wow.. they have made it easy... Fools!! They don't even know, that no force on this earth can defeat the combined power of Arjun, Krishna and the Narayani Sena... And ... Krishnaa...

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