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Okay... Dearest readers... Firstly thanks a lot for reading and encouraging me for so long... Secondly, sorry for late updates nowadays.... And, this chapter is again going to be a throwback chapter through Karn's POV... Just wanted to write about the rise of the Mahanayak, and couldn't find a better way of expressing it that Karn's POV.. So... Ready for something new?

Karna's P.O.V.:

The hot summer sun was rising from the eastern horizon when I arrived at the doors of the competition premises. I was a twenty-one year old youth back then. I remembered how Guru Dronacharya had insulted me years back, when I had requested to join his Gurukul. He had pointed out my low-birth origin and had said that his Gurukul was meant for people not just of high skills but of high morals too, and that, a low-born Sutaputra can never have morals as high as his students. I remembered him, pointing towards a young lad of about 2-3 years younger than me (approximately 10 years old) practising archery at a distance and saying that inspite of being an archer, I can never be equivalent to his favourite disciple, that white-clad, dark-skinned, hazel-eyed lad-- Arjun. Since that very day, I had pointed him and kept him in mind. I was determined too prove that I was far better than him, when time came.

That was my opportunity. That day, in the grand auditorium of the city, all the princes will be showcasing their skills. There would be a friendly competition amongst them in order to determine who was the best.

"May I go in?", I asked one of the many guards standing at the entrance of the auditorium. He shot an irritated glance at me and taunted, "Are you crazy, young man? Only the specially invited royal guests are allowed inside. In case you want to watch the amazing event, then, firstly, I am sorry, and secondly, this is not the entrance for the commoners. That is the gate to the auditorium...", he said pointing towards a flight of stairs leading to another gate. It's location itself showed that it was for the audience and led to the rows of seats along the upper boundaries of the auditorium. There was no way that I could directly enter into the competition ground. So, I decided to enter into the audience's rows. The competition ground was grand. It was huge with rows of seats for the private royals at the farthest corner, nearest to the palace premises. Beside that were the rows of seats of the special royal guests, adjacent to the gate meant for them. Right after the royals' seats, in one corner of the ground was a huge circular ring with some writings on them. There was a bow and arrow beside that. Right next to that, just before the beginning of the commoners' rows, was a huge entrance, which came straight from the royal palace. This entrance was most probably meant for the entry of the royal princes...

Soon, all the commoners' seats filled up. Almost all the young girls of the city were there--- all with the same craze-- Rajkumar Arjun. They all were whispering and chattering about him.

"I have heard, he looks like some God on Earth.." "He is the best archer out there..." "They say his hazel eyes can captivate raindrops with their intensity.." "He is the grace-son of Devraj Indra himself.." "He is even a greater devotee of Mahadev than Ravan.."

All rubbish. All the girls were so gaga about him. I really needed to see how good an archer he was. And.. I needed to prove that I was the best, and not Him...

Arjun was getting ready for the competition in his own chamber in the royal palace, when suddenly he heard the ringing of anklets. It must be Uruvi-- he thought, as he smirked. She must have been sent here by her mother to so-called 'Wish him the best', which she actually won't. Arjun didn't ever get it why, since the very first day, when he had first met her two months back during their Pukeya visit, she never ever gave him his due worth and respect. Not that it ever bothered him, just that it was a bit disappointing. Uruvi came in. "All the best Arjun..", she said, her tone indifferent. "Thanks..", Arjun merely replied as he continued preparing. "Mata has asked me to go out with you.." Arjun smirked and replied briskly, "No needs Uruvi. You may leave now and take your seat in the royal gallery, while I make the last minute preparations.." "Last minute preparations?", Uruvi questioned. Arjun laughed, "Obviously in terms of looks, not archery... My brother would look so handsome. I should look atleast close to that to be able to stand by Nakul.." Uruvi left with an unfathomable expression, probably indicating her displeasure towards the physical grooming up of a warrior. Arjun however believed that in order to be the BEST three basic things were considered-- a bit of looks, a lot of intelligence and ettiquettes...

I was watching the competition half-heartedly. Firstly, Rajkumar Duryodhan's name was hit by Dron's arrow on the ring. Duryodhan proved to be quite good with his mace. Maharaj Dhritarashtra and Maharani Gandhari hailed him in pride. Next came in his brother Duhshasan followed by Yudhishthir, Bheem, Nakul and Sahadev. The competition was amongst the ten bests. I was really astonished by how all the Pandava brothers were included in the list of the top ten. Bheem easily outsmarted Duryodhan, as there maces collided. As Nakul stepped in, the girls were again gaga about him. These brothers really were already the heroes of all. But, where was Arjun.

Dronacharya's arrow hit the last remaining name on the chakra- Arjun. The announcer announced his name aloud, along with his specialties, strong points... The trumpets rang, the drums started to beat aloud, as Arjun stepped in... He was clad in a white, silver-bordered dhoti; his warrior armours, an expensive royal bow, and a golden wristband in his left wrist- which was most probably his trademark jewelry. Dronacharya gleamed with pride, as he shot a magical row of arrows, appearing out of nowhere as salutations to the elders.... The whole auditorium began cheering his name, as loudly as possible. The invited princesses of various friendly kingdoms, sitting in the royal guests' rows, began cheering and showering flowers towards him. At once, I knew--- their Mahanayak-- the hero of all these people was here, and my competition was going to be really really tough...

Arjun's competitor was decided on Duryodhan. Soon the competition began. Duryodhan was soon being defeated at the face of a few arrows of Arjun. I could see that he was using various Divyaastras. This shouldn't have been-- a normal mace versus divine weapons?! That was unfair. As Arjun finally shot another arrow to create a fire ring around Duryodhan, I couldn't control my rage any longer...

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