Never felt this before

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Arjun sat at the balcony of his chamber.... He doesn't know why really his instincts are saying that Uruvi and he .. are just NOT made for each other.. They may be good friends but they can't ever have that thing between themselves.. Kunti has got his room decorated because he and Uruvi are tonight meant to talk to each other in order to finalize their marriage from their personal quarter...

His string of thoughts is cut in between by Uruvi's entrance into the chamber..

He lifts himself up and turns to face her..

"How did you know that I am here??" Uruvi questioned in wonder .. Arjun smirked indifferently . Why does this girl always tend to underestimate him as a warrior all the time..? Is it just because she appreciates Karn.. or...

"Arjun.. I need to confess something to you.." Arjun lifts up his eyes to look at Uruvi ... A natural frown curves between his brows... His instincts are again apprehending something...

"I am in love with somebody else... We shouldn't get married"... Arjun wasn't much shocked.. just a bit taken aback by the fact that she didn't tell this to him earlier...

"I love Karn"... No.. this wasn't something he was expecting.. She LOVES Karn... He knew she appreciates her but love... No he can't go weak... Even he doesn't love her.. just some expectations.. and some talk-abouts.. that's all... They are friends, and that's all... No.. they were... He can't be friends with his sworn enemy's would-be-wife...

He turned around to face the open end of the balcony... "Even I thought we shouldn't get married.. So ..good.. that's even.." he said as normally as possible.. with a certain weight and coldness in his words...

Uruvi knew that she had hurt Arjun, and her mind furthermore magnified whatever Arjun might have felt.... With a guilt-ridden voice she said " Arjun , I am so sorry... I know this isn't right..but love doesn't understand logics..."... Exactly love doesn't understand logics and that's why I still get the logic why this isn't hurting as much as it logically should-- Arjun thought...

"You may leave if you want to.. better late than never .. and all the best regards for your life ahead.. I have already accepted your love open-heartedly.. but I doubt the acceptance capability of the society or your parents...

Uruvi was at a loss of words.. she suddenly felt a void within herself... Was she really getting it wrong.. She is practically letting go of the most desirable man in Aryavart.. But that's how love is... Loss.. loss ... Her inner subconscious screamed.. not knowing what else to do.. she nearly ran out of Arjun's chamber, not being able to control her tears...

Arjun took his previous position in the jhula in the balcony... Why wasn't he feeling the grief and rage that he should feel..? It's just a bit of disappointment , which he is sure .. wouldn't have been there if Uruvi had loved anybody else, other than his sworn enemy...

Suddenly and unconsciously his stream of thoughts took an unexpected turn... Those blue lotus eyes.. that blue lotus aroma lingering in the air.. And... Those eyes focussed upon him for a moment... All he could think about was Her.. where a whisper escaped his lips.."Krishnaa..."

Kunti rushed into the room along with Uruvi's mother, the Queen of Pukeya , and Kunti's childhood friend too... "Son.. why did you let her do this anarth!!" Rani Rohini broke into tears on the floor... "You cancelled it mutually ..or.." resting her right palm on Arjun's shoulder, Kunti couldn't complete her question when Arjun replied calmly, "Mutually .. Maa.." .. He turned towards Kunti and the lack of hurt on his face shocked her beyond all expectations...

Rani Rohini just looked up at Arjun.. she was devastated... That Sutaputra has spoiled her daughter's life.. Arjun approached her.." They are trying to begin something new... I think we all should support and wish them... Be happy for them.. Don't linger for the past that never even existed.." bombarding Kunti and Rohini with these calm words Arjun again took his place in the balcony jhula.. and closing his eyes in search of some peace... All he could see was... Those lotus eyes.. all focussed at him...

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