Finding Meanings..

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This chapter is dedicated to all Subhadra fans.. This book is a sole ArDi fanfic, so I couldn't write anything much about ArSu (I am a strict ArDian.. Nevermind..) So, just decided to write this chapter...

Subhadra's P.O.V.:

It is finally a leisure afternoon, after the long and tiring preparations for the Rajsuya. Abhi and Priu are with Jiji... So, I am left alone, in my chamber, spending my leisure with myself, and my memories....

So many flashbacks come flooding back.... I remember when I first saw him: the prince of my dreams....


"Subhadra....", Archana came running into the garden, where I and Duryodhan were having a laughter filled afternoon chat. In all those days of his training under Bhrata Balram, he and I had become quite good friends. I have always had only female playmates and friends since childhood, since Bhrata Krishna and Bhrata Balram had spent their childhoods and even teenages in Gokul and Barsana.... Thus, Duryodhan was the first male friend. He was close to my age, though quite a bit elder, thus he often told me stories of the boys' games and other tales from Hastinapur, his Gurukul days and so on. But, the worst part was his jealousy for Arjun. I had never seen Arjun till then, but I knew he a distant brother to Krishna, and moreover, his best friend. They had met only very few times, maybe once o twice, till then, but their bond was like n other--- divine. He had even helped greatly in Rukmini Bhaabi and Bhrata Krishna's wedding. According to Bhratashree, their marriage wouldn't have been possible without him.

And...Bhrata was always talking about him, day-night, morning-evening, dawn to dusk.. always. I really didn't understand, what was so special about this particular man. But, as the years passed, soon it all became clearer. He was winning one war after the other with various zamindars and pradhans, at the age of jus about twenty. He had went to the Gurukul at an age of merely five years, and come back at eighteen. At such a young age, he was the best warrior out there. All the girls used to drool over his name. One day, out of sheer curiosity, I had asked Bhrata Krishna, "Bhratashree... This Arjun, everyone talks about... How does he look like??" Bhratashree gave me a mysterious teasing grin and replied, "Tall, dark, brown curly hair, shiny hazel eyes... And, to be more specific, toned-tanned abs, a few war marks decorating his sculpted face... That's all... And yes.. His characteristic wrist band in his left hand and his Gandeev decking up his valour. My Parth is the perfect combination of multitalents, valour, bravery and drop-dead handsomeness.... You will like him too, once you see him... No worries, Subhadre. Your Bhratashree doesn't make friends with rubbish people". Bhratashree had winked completing the heavenly description, and had left the chamber, leaving me dumbstricken and , yes, DROOLING.

"What Archi?", I quickly responded to Archana's call.. She was panting and her eyes beamed with excitement. "Come quickly Princess.. he has come!!", she said, still super excited.. I was even more confused, "Who has come??" "Rajkumar Arjun!" Her reply had sent a strange wave of unknown emotions through me... This was the moment I had awaited for long. I forgot about the person sitting in front of me and ran towards the main living hall, where I expected him to be... I entered the hall and immediately my eyes spotted Him. He was sitting beside Bhrata Krishna on the couch...

He was much more than Bhratashree's descriptions... So handsome. Not just handsome, I must say. Nobody's mere physical appearance has ever swept me off my feet. Even his didn't. But, those hazel eyes.... I just couldn't ignore the light in them... So enthusiastic, so lively and..... There was something unknown which I had spotted. A strange longing... No. Not for me or anybody in front. It was really strange. As if he was waiting for someone, his sharp vision always searching for That one person... He was so absent-minded. But seeing me enter, he looked towards me and smiled. "Pranipaat Rajkumaari Subhadra..", my name sounded so ethereal from his masculine voice... Then in a flick he slowly removed his gaze and centred it to some non-existent point in thin air.... Since that day, I have been dreaming of him most of the nights...

I remember when the Arjun himself sent that invitation letter to Dwarka, inviting me and Bhrata Krishna to come to Maharaj Drupad's grand Yajna.. I didn't go... I don't know exactly why, bit maybe I was scared. Scared of the unknown... Later on the tales of the Yajnaseni's beauty had gotten me really 'scared'. I feared the fact that after seeing her, and hearing that Divine Prophecy, Arjun must have fallen for her. And... My worst fears came true.... The evening when I finally was beginning to assume that he might be liking me, when he agreed to play the veena on my wish, he became his. The moment he saw her that evening, the spark in his eyes were... just too bright to describe in words. For the first time I saw him lose his hold over his trademark concentration as her divine blue-lotus fragrance lingered... Her beauty had captivated all of us.. She was more that all the tales I had heard about her. The perfect one for him. I terms of physical appearance, he was obviously no match to her. But, taking in consideration all parameters together, they were just the perfect... So made-for-each-other... The moment their marriage was declared, his eyes said how much he had surrendered to her-- he had handed over his whole life and being in her hands....

Years later, after giving up all hope, when my marriage was fixed with Duryodhan, I felt the real stir. I would have really died a thousand deaths before marrying anyone but Him... I really really loved him... Only Bhrata Krishna could work the wonder that he did... When he presented the marriage proposal in front of him, his eyes held all the pain in the world... Inside, I knew, he was DYING. He loved ber so very much. It was more than my love for him. He would give away every single thing he had than watch her suffer all that pain all over again... I married him with quite a lot of bliss, but I knew he was already hers...

I remember, the most memorable night of my life ,in Hastinapur.

He was sitting in a corner of the bed, his distress clear on his face. He had been so silent althroughout those days following the marriage. He wasn't that charming Arjun I knew at first. "Arya...", I called him. "Krishnaa..", a whisper escaped his lips reflexly. That one word remembered him only of his Krishnaa-- his only wife, from heart. He turned around and seeing me, immediately got back his composure. "Sorry.. Subhadra..." I had cut him off in between, "It's okay Arya. I know how much you love her. It's okay..." He smiled, as he finally seemed to accept me , and approached towards me..

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