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Priu and Abhi are slowly growing up into 'Pragya' and 'Abhimanyu'... Their second birthdays have passed. Arjun has already begun their trainings , more than half-a-year back. Pragya is already making a stunning progress. She is even exceeding Abhimanyu in sensing their surroundings. Krishnaa has also responsibly taught the kids swimming in the small marble pool in her Mahal. Vyaas dev had decided to name the baby boy Shrutakirti, due to both his father's and mother's immense fame in the whole of Aryavart. The two kids called their baby brother Kirti. The others also followed the trend, including the elders. Pragya was becoming more and more mature, though, more and more naughty. Abhimanyu is her forever partner-in-crime. The two have already formed an inseparable bond. 

Arjun and Krishnaa were discussing something important regarding Pragya's future. "I had written to Baisa... She has agreed upon taking up Priu after she is atleast five or seven.." Krishnaa informed Arjun. They had decided upon sending Pragya under the homage of the Saiba of Baghelkhand. Baghelkhand consisted of the whole territorries of Bundelkhand, Rohilkhand, Paatharkhand and Baghelkhand plateaus. That was the only region of Bharatvarsh ruled by a Queen-- the Saiba of Baghelkhand. Hereditarily, the most efficient royal girl, after years of training and then various stages of testifications, was chosen to be the saiba. The current saiba was Rani Sharavati. Her husband had died at a war at a young age. She brought up her only son, alone, who is now merely eight years old-- 6 years elders than Pragya. However, he can't take up the throne. So, Saiba was in search of a girl who could be brought up to take over the reigns of the territory. The lands were rugged in some regions and heavily forested at the others. There were hills, and plateaus and trap terrain. Still, Baghelkhand was one of the richest territories, obviously under Indraprasth's sovereignty. The Saiba had gracefully accepted the sovereignty of Indraprasth when Arjun went there for conquest , a few months back. The saiba put forward her proposal then only. Arjun and Draupadi had discussed it over letters and finally agreed. Also, they couldn't tell this to anybody else. Even while sending her there, they'll have to say to the others that they are sending her to Kannyavaas. Only Madhav knew, as he had given the final approval.

"It will be difficult to live without her...", Krishnaa said on a sad note. "She and Abhi keep the palace alive, even more than Kirti..", she added. "I know Krishnaa. But we have to do this. A shining star like Priu shouldn't be trapped indoors, which she will be, if she stays back here, as an heir of the Pandavas. Inspite of being the eldest, she'll never et the throne, which isn't right. Remember, Vyaas Dev had said, she is meant for better causes. Maybe, this is what he had meant. In that way justice will be delivered to both Pragya and Abhimanyu's skills, talents and capabilities..", Arjun concluded... 

News has also reached Indraprasth, a few months back, that Bhanumati has given birth to twins- Lakshman Kumaar and Lakshmana. Draupadi herself had chosen the gifts that were sent to Hastinapur for the mother and the children.

Now it was time to seriously think about the Rajsuya Yajna. So, both of them snapped their expanding string of thoughts and got up. There was more work to do than to think of. They exited their chamber and Arjun headed towards the army quarters and Krishnaa headed towards the gardens to tend to her plants, but only after stealing a short breathless kiss.

"Mamashri they are prepping up for the Rajsuya Yajna... I just can't take it anymore.... This is too much to deal with!!", Duryodhan remarked in an exasperated tone. "I have a plot in mind... The only thing that I can think of, right now...", an evil Shakuni replied with an evil smirk. "What is it??" Shakuni didn't reply to Duryodhan's question and just smirked....

Krishnaa was tending to her plants, when Arjun suddenly entered the garden. His face was tense. Before Krishnaa could ask him anything, he said, "Krishnaa.. I need to go..." Krishnaa froze. "Where?", was all that she managed to ask. "Madhav sent an urgent letter. Their is going to be a secret attack on Dwarka... I need to leave, now..." Krishnaa didn't know what to say. She was too dumbstruck to speak.  "He has also strictly asked me to not tell this to anybody. So, I am telling everybody else that I am leaving for Dwarka just on an urgent basis...." Why would Sakha say such a thing? This was very weird indeed. Krishnaa felt like something was wrong.... But she couldn't trace exactly what was wrong. She could just make one small request to him. "Arya... could you just stay back for tonight? Just tonight...." She somehow muttered. Arjun nearly glared at her. How could she be so selfish, suddenly?! Madhav was in danger and she wanted him to stay back?! "Are you serious?! Have you lost your mind Krishnaa!! Madhav is in danger and you want me to stay back!!??" "Yes I want you to stay back...", she broke into tears. Keeping two hands on Arjun's shoulders she said, "Why are not understanding Arya... I feel like nothing is wrong with Madhav. My instincts are saying that it is somebody else trying to trick us?!" Arjun calmed down a bit. He needed to reassure her of his safety. "Even, I myself had doubted the genuinety of the letter at first. But see the handwriting..." He took out the letter and opened it up in front of her. Krishnaa was shocked. She nodded, wiping away her tears. Arjun finally smiled subtly. "But I will stay tonight... My Queen's wish is my command..." Krishnaa was almost about to say no to that, when he sealed her lips with his.... A few moments later, he carried her to their chamber. He shut the door from within-- a strict note of not letting anyone dare to disturb them. 

He removed her clothes and ornaments in a jiffy. He opened her hair and spread it on her back, as she lay on her front. He buried his nose in her hair, as he inhaled her tantalizing fragrance. All the urgency, danger and haste left his mind as all his senses zeroed down to the ethereally beautiful lady with him. He peppered soft wet kisses down her neck and collarbone, marking his track all along--- marking her as his, only his... His passion reached another height that night, which even made his fiery lady flinch and squirm. The indoor lotuses in the garden stood witness to their ethereal love-making, as they trembled thinking of the thunderstorm that was making its way into their lives.... 

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