Prologue + Character Aesthetics

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Arjuna has always known that his Gurudev trusted him and his skills, and that was enough of a boost for him to shatter King Drupad's chariot, defeat and bind him up and take him to his Gurudev. This was not the first military success of his five year old military career. He had won over a few neighbouring tribal chiefs in and around Hastinapur, and without paying any heed to his protests those law-abiding chiefs had made their territories his, and his alone. He knew this shouldn't be. Afterall, he was fighting for his kingdom and his family, not for his personal benefits. But these people weren't the ones to listen. They often fell at his feel after his destined victory at the end of each war and muttered prayers. Only once had a very old man fell to his feet, muttering something unintelligible. He had no clue what that could be about, up until he heard the man whisper, "Pashupati.." He must have been thanking the Lord Mahadeva for keeping him alive even after the vicious war; that was a usual tribal custom.

Many a times, some chiefs or kings of some miniscule kingdom he had won for Hastinapur, had even offered him their daughters. He had just laughed and nodded a stern yet polite 'No'. During this phase, without even realising it, he had grown very close to the military people. Some of them trusted the young yet magnificently skilled Prince with their lives. His strategic plannings and breathtaking skills with any weapon he laid his hands on, stunned them and soon enough the faith grew to such an extent that it was apparently clear that most of them would follow this young, barely-an-adult prince of theirs into any battle.

However, Arjuna has always believed that he would have been nowhere without his brothers -- without Bheema's prowess, Yudhishthira's Morales and values, Nakula's abilities to tame and befriend animals and Sahdeva's knowledge of rules, Vedic scriptures and even his intuitiveness. He has always thought that his youngest brother inspite of being so nerdy and quiet was actually the most wonderful amongst them all. The mysterious working of the brilliant mind of this youngest sibling of his has always awed him; as has Bheema's inhuman strength and Nakula's perfect looks.

Although he couldn't always make much sense of the immense praises showering upon him, he cherished the warmth that came along. He loved it when Gurudev, or Pitamah praised him. But he loved it the most when his Mata stroked her fingers through his hair comfortingly as he lay his head on her lap like an infant -- this was her form of applauding him, loving him and comforting him.

He didn't quite realise how he became such amazing friends with Krishna from their first meet, from his first visit to Dwarka. The golden palace had almost felt like a second home. Balrama's loving pat on his back reminded him of his Bhrata Bheema-- these two would bond very well together, he had thought to himself. But, Krishna had stunned him the first time he had heard his voice, voicing his silent wish as a proposition to his elder brother - "Bhratashree, I think the Prince Bheema can actually train under you. He will get to learn a few more formidable blows with the mace to twin his strong build." Arjuna was left astounded as the speaker of the divine voice had walked out in front of him.

He never knew that a normal 'person' could look this divine. It wasn't just apparent looks or anything such. Of course, his brother Nakula would beat any God in terms of 'perfect features'. But there was something about this man in front of him. Krishna was of his age only, and the tales of his valour were as famous as his all over Aryavart. But, all of His tales consisted of some divinely magical elements which the people usually termed as His Leelas. However, His live story was even more famous. The people often termed Radha and Krishna as the incarnations of Lakshmi and Narayana themselves, and Arjuna could finally understand 'why'.

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