Khandav Dahan

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As the chariots approached Khandavprasth, the Pandavas noticed the landscape changing from green to harsh and rugged. The crowd of masses was still far, far behind.. The hot air was suffocating Krishnaa. After some time she was a bit nauseatic and her head was spinning as she lost her senses and fell on Arjun.
"Krishnaa!!" Arjun's call made the chariots stop. Arjun took her up in his arms. Meanwhile Malini, Nitambini, Kunti and Priyamvada came running from their chariots, behind... Arjun immediately took her to the road side and laid her against a tree. "Krishnaa!! Open your eyes.." he patted on her cheek. "Water!!" Nakul called out, as he came running. "Bhaiyya, let me see.." Arjun gave way for Nakul to come forward. He sprinkled water on her face... "Bhaabi!..." Arjun sat beside her. He held her face in his palms.."Krishnaa..." , and his love could not deny this kind, almost pleading call... She opened her blue lotus eyes... Little did Arjun care for the people around as he hugged her.. Krishnaa noticed them, though... And she slowly broke the hug,"I'm absolutely fine, Arya.." . "No you aren't.. Yesterday, didn't I and Gandhari didi tell you repeatedly not to work that much. You didn't pay heed to a word..." Kunti scolded. Krishnaa slowly tried to sit up with the support of her hands, but before she could open her mouth to provide some explanation, Arjun exploded. "You cooked everything yesterday.. right? I had suspected it, but that kheer drove my mind away...." Arjun's anger,worry and disappointment were clearly visible in his frown.. "I am sorry... " Krishnaa apologized, her eyes low, while his concern moved her. "Never ever again.." he whispered a warning. She just nodded as he squeezed her hand, and in a moment she knew his worry, his concern, his LOVE... She gave him a reassuring glance.

After a while they all rode the chariots and again the journey recommenced. The landscape soon turned into that of a desert. "This is Khandavprasth.." the almost scared head charioteer stopped Arjun and Krishnaa's chariot, and uttered in almost a scared tone. Arjun looked ahead and saw the dangerous Khandav forest far away... They needed to first get rid of that and it's contents...
Arjun descended from the chariot. Yudhishthir approached him, "How??" He enquired... Arjun glanced at Krishnaa. Suddenly he had an idea. "Fire..", Arjun replied to Yudhishthir. Yudhishthir looked towards him. "I'll pray to Agnidev, for his help.." But before Arjun could even complete his sentence, there appeared the fire god...
"Arjun..." He addressed. He shared a glance with his daughter, whose blue eyes were shining with tears at the sight of her actual Father. "I'll help you, more because, I need your help..." Arjun was rather astonished. "I have been hungry and thirsty for consuming evil and negativities, to reduce them to ashes... This thirst can only be quenched by burning this forest... Thus we share interests. We ought to work together.." "But how am I supposed to help you, Agnidev?" Arjun was really confused. "By not letting anything escape out of the forest... You'll be rewarded..." Saying this Agnidev vanished and soon the forest was on fire. Arjun closed his eyes for a brief moment. His Madhav's smiling face appeared in front of him, and Madhav nodded his head, assuring him. Arjun began his work. With showers of arrows, he made sure no animal could escape out of the forest. A demon, named Mai, was as usual pushed back into the forest by his arrows. Mai, with the help of his magical powers, requested Arjun, "Rajkumaar, please let me escape. I am Vishwakarma's assistant. I need to get back to the heavens. And, once you let me go now, I will try my best to pay back my debt by fulfilling any wish of yours. I shall always stay at your command.." Arjun empathized this good demon and let him escape.
Meanwhile, the evil Naag, Takshak, who lived inside the Khandav Forest, called to Devraaj Indra..," Devraaj, you had promised me security. Now that Agni, in association with your own son, is vanquishing my family and me, you are bound to help me... " Indra knew that he was bound by his own words. He needed to stop this Khandav Dahan. But will Arjun let him?? He has to. Even if that meant going against his own son. Indra began a sudden, untimely , heavy downpour. The Fire fought back. The rains were slowly winning. Arjun at once knew, it was time, he needed to fight his Grace Father. For this he needed Kunti's permission. He looked back at Kunti for a moment. With fearful eyes, she nodded a yes. Suddenly his eyes locked with his love's for a moment. She was worried. Arjun didn't have much time to stare into those blue diamonds. He immediately looked back , up, at the clouds. He closed his eyes and reading a mantra, let out a Divyaastra. Indra immediately retaliated. The war began and went on and on. Khandav was slowly burning towards annihilation. Finally, Indra hardened his heart and also with a certain faith on his Mahaveer Grace Son, let out his Vajra. Arjun had to retaliate this too. As the Vajra approached, he set a Brahmastra by uttering the mantra. There was a huge collision, with a blinding spark and a deafening sound. "Arya!!!!" Krishnaa's horrified shriek was heard.
As the light cloud subsided, Arjun was seen getting back to his feet. The clouds , too were thinning. Khandav Dahan was also successfully completed. Though, none of them knew, Takshak had escaped.
Indra blessed Arjun with pride and promised him to turn this barren land into a lush green landscape. As soon as Indra vanished, the transformation began. Soon, the rugged piece of land was a lush, green and beautiful landscape, with flowers, bees, butterflies, trees, orchards, gardens, springs and lakes. None of them could believe their eyes. Agnidev reappeared in front of them. "Arjun, you have helped me so much by dedicating till the last bit of your outstanding valour. I am so impressed and pleased, and thankful. As promised, I'll love to gift my brave and valorous son-in-law, an appropriate present." Saying this, he presented Arjun the outstanding Gandeev bow, and the Mahanayak received yet another title -- ' Gandeev Dhaari' .
As Agnidev, left after blessing his son-in-law and his fiery daughter, Mai appeared to repay his invaluable debt to Arjun. "Mahaveer, you have spared my life. How can this servant of yours, be of any use to you..?" The five brothers exchanged glances. They knew what they all wanted. Arjun took the final nods from Draupadi and Kunti. "Mai.. Build a city and a palace for us here, which will be no less than the Heaven itself... Where all the Prajas can have allof Heaven's pleasures... Where the royals shall never feel that they live in anywhere, but Nandan Kanan..." Arjun commanded Mai in a gentle voice...  "Sure!" In an instant , they witnessed another magic. In middle of the beautiful landscape, an equally beautiful city was being built. The gates and walls were of marble with equally beautiful engravings. There were beautiful gardens all around. The roadsides had beautiful flowering plants and fruit trees. Vined orchards gave shade on the residential areas and the roads. Planned residential, market, trade, etc. blocks were made. There were beautiful public baths, fountains, springs for the people to collect water from. The streets were made of stone bricks. The palace was a glowing piece of art indeed. Made of gold, and marble, and studded with jewels.. Huge crystal chandeliers gave light all around, inside it. There were glass pools and marble fountains. A beautiful garden surrounded it. The treasury was built appropriately to be stuffed with riches. Orchards lined the garden. The sabha was enviable, with a golden Singhasana and the other chairs covered in velvet. The palace walls were internally covered with makhmal cloth, and wood sheets to keep the interior temperature equable throughout the year. There were systems to harvest and store rainwater. Separate astrashalas and practice halls were made for the royals and the military. Farms were made. The list was endless. It was an absolutely self sufficient , heaven on earth, country with the Yamuna flowing by, and the Himalayas being seen a little away. "Let's name it Indraprasth, since this is built by the grace of Indradev and his own architect..." Krishnaa suggested. Everyone agreed. By this time the huge crowds have also reached. They all made their way into this Haven.
Arjun looked into his beautiful wife's beautiful eyes for a moment. Only this city could suit to hold her beauty...

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