Who You Really Are

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"Growing up isn't that bad a trap, or is it, and I am being totally naive again?", Abhimanyu mused to himself and his dearest sister, as the two strolled in the wide fields at the foothills of the mountains fringing the kingdom. This was their first gift for growing up - a trip to the wilderness without any adult surveillance. Pragya frowned and smiled, both at the same time, and replied, "Well, I don't think it is. Maybe because none of the two of us are scared of the war, and would totally love to crush those devils to dust; or maybe because we believe in love and soulmates and now we can actually keep an eye out to search for our respective ones." Abhimanyu chuckled. "True. After seeing Maai and Pitashree, I am so excited and apprehensive both at the same time. If we get someone who looks at us the way the two of them look at each other, then I would die a thousand times happily. But, if we don't , then our life is spoiled for ever and ever and ever." "Couldn't agree more!", Pragya agreed with an exclamation. "I never truly understood how the two could actually stare at each other like that - as if nothing else in the world exists. But, provided the way we finished childhood in those six eventful months and got over teenage in another six, I think now I do feel that one's heart can be capable of holding that much love for someone."

"It's time.", Arjuna's voice rang loud and clear in the large hall. They were to leave the very next day. The arrangements were made - material as well as mental. Maye was their 'route guide'. Karna and Dhrishtadyumna were to accompany Krishna, Arjuna, Krishnaa, Pragya and Abhimanyu on the journey. In spite of Shrutakirti's insistent appeals on going along with them, he wasn't being taken along; and this made him realize how large the risk factor was - his parents weren't ready to risk the lives of all three of them together.Kaustav was in charge of the not-so-large, but extremely efficient guard forces which were accompanying them to Mesopotamia, or Sumer.  Krishnaa was still working on the theoretical derivations of ways to side-step the dangerous prophecy. There were only two options - seeing at the moment of action whether the somras could work the required miracles, or somehow know the future at the right moment and escape. However, she had no idea how any of these two could practically work at the moment. At present, all the people in the hall just silently nodded. 

Kunti, Subhadra and all the royal women were infinitely worried, except Krishnaa herself, obviously. 

"Arya." That call. Arjuna smiled to himself, as Krishnaa entered their chamber. She snaked her one arm around his, and rested her head on his shoulder. None said one word. They stood there, silent, staring at the walls that have remained  witness to uncountable loving memories being created between the two, their affectionate moments with their children and this family that they have called theirs in this human life. Maybe, the span of these years was indeed short for the divine supremos, but the people that they had been lucky to get as 'family' had made it all so eventful. And now when they were going out to fight the old evils, they felt it was more for this beautiful family of theirs, and for the empire of Bharatvarsha that they have called theirs, than for their own selves. The wild beauty of their own abode - Kailash, its foot-valley, the Mansarovar - all of it awaited them. They knew that the moment this was the last 'human' taste of life they would ever get. The moment all of this was over, they would be heading straight to Vrindavan, not Indraprasth. Indraprasth would never ever see the two of them again. They would never see their beloved Prince and his Queen sit for the Rajsuya Yajna. The places of the Emperor and empress of Bharatvarsha were rightfully Yudhishthir and Devika's. They slowly took their laces in the awaiting swing in the balcony. It was the last time they would sit here - the last time they would see what it felt like to have an essentially normal home, filled with homely warmth. "I'll miss Pragati, Shrutakirti and Veermaan like anything", Krishnaa finally whispered.

"You'll be back, right?", Kirti held tightly onto his mother's hands, as he barely whispered, tears staining his voice. He was almost as tall as his mother, but the sheer vulnerability of the moment was making him slouch. Krishnaa just smiled at him, her own eyes moistened. Then she slipped a ruby pendant into his right palm, "For your future wife.", she whispered to him, her voice full of emotions - sorrow tinging the love. Kirti couldn't hold back any longer. He hugged his mother with all the strength that he could muster. "Remember, we are not taking you along so that you can stay here and keep your baby siblings safe. Make sure of that, and take care of yourself and your Maani too.", she whispered the instructions into his ear. 

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