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At departure, Krishna came up to Arjun, "Sakha.. Whatever comes your way, just remember one thing, you need to get back to your Krishnaa, as invincible as ever... Maintain your invincibility by doing whatever is needed. I have this faith on you that you would never go against Dharma, and come back to my Sakhi, to your peaceful haven..." Remembering what followed Madhav's last piece of departure-advice, Arjun flinched in fear.. Not again!!! "Again, Madhav..." a mere horrified whisper left Arjun's lips. Krishna looked up at him, his eyes unfathomable, as if saying, "Not just one, but quite a few more to go..." Arjun couldn't think any further. He shut his eyes. Why was fate playing this cruel joke on him, and his Krishnaa...? Couldn't she be spared... ? Just him, just him suffering, alone....

After three months of heading north-eastwards, cutting though the dense forests, tracing their routes through ravenous mountain passes, Arjun reached the vicinities of Manipur borders. He has heard from his messenger that the Princess was a warrior. The King was too disappointed when, at Shiva's boon, a not-so-good-looking daughter was born to him, instead of some valorous son, accompanied by his wife's death during child delivery. He then brought the girl up as a son... Arjun really found Chitrangada's tale pretty amusing. The real point was that, they need to be extra cautious this time. If Aarya could make 'such' a demand, then what or what not could this girl call for..? Arjun devised a master plot. In the evening, he sat with all his army chieftains and explained the plot to them... "Wow Raajkumar... What a mastermind you are!!", applauded the Senapati. Next day, early in the morning, dressed as a sage, Arjun crossed the borders and stepped into the forest region within the boundaries of the kingdom.  He needs to see the boundaries and the weak points to enter and attack the kingdom... Arjun roamed in the forest, and found an appropriate location to sit and meditate, not really, though.

"Rajkumari, we really haven't come all this way to just sit back, while you go and hunt..." retorted one of Chitrangada's sakhis. They weren't exactly her sakkhis, just friends. Chitrangada wasn't just 'sakhi' material. "Okay.. Once and for all , I accept this demand of yours..." Chitrangada snorted, and bowed, while the four girl burst out laughing. "Come, there's an orchard out there... You girls will love that..." Chitrangada guided and guarded them towards the destination...

Seeing the orchard, the girls nearly jumped into it. Chitrangada knew this was her turn to be bored. Knowing well that her friends will be pretty safe here, she decided to roam around a bit. As she strolled a little away, she was shocked, rather, blessed, by a divine view. A supremely handsome sage was sitting on a flat-topped rock. A divine light was as if being emitted from his body. Chitrangada was too ossified to speak. She just kept on staring at the man, his sculpted abs, his chiselled features. No real human being could ever look this much handsome... so godly, as if some dream marble sculpture. For the first time in her life, Chitrangada felt herself falling for a man. For the first time, she regretted not being feminine, not being beautiful. Hearing someone cough from behind, Chitrangada suddenly turned around. Her friends were all smiles. She knew what their smiles meant. She looked away. "Did I just now see someone smirking??", gasped one of the girls. They all giggled together.

Arjun opened his eyes. He really needs to know who these girls are. His eyes fell on a girl clad in a unique warrior style attire. In a flick he knew who this must be. indeed, her descriptions were rightly conveyed. Not so beautiful, in fact not at all, not even nearly. Far away from being feminine, to say the least. Dark black eyes, her dark hair tied up in a rigidly fixed bun. A small dagger at the waist-holder. The other three girls  are most probably her friends, royally clad. Chitrangada noticed Arjun's eyes on her. Suddenly something overpowered her senses, and she started walking towards him. Arjun was quite shocked at the Princess's unexpected gesture. Her eyes were.... Arjun tried to remember where had he seen this same kind of expression in someone's eyes..  what was this?? Longing!! Falling for him!! Captivated!! Oh No!!! He was terrified to say the least. She wasn't supposed to be like Aarya or Uloopi. Why can't these girls all around have a personality and a composure at least one-millionth of that of Krishnaa's? Why do they keep on doing things which rather degrade the status of most women in common, in the eyes of men..? Why can't they just keep their hearts and flowers to themselves?? Chitrangada felt her courage boosting up like never before. She knew what she wanted, and she was too extrovert to keep that feeling to herself. She at least needed to know his name... She came near Arjun. Arjun's brows knitted into a deep frown. Joining her palms, Chitrangada asked him, "Who are you, Dev..?" Arjun felt as if she was speaking in a daze. Nearabout the same way, he often spoke to Krishnaa. Arjun sensed trouble, and he knew it was time he exposed his real identity. They need to declare straight forward war. No more insane  negotiations.. "ARJUN", Arjun replied in a bold and steady voice. He stood up. "I am the third Pandava, Mahanayak Arjun. I am here for a conquest and since, I happen to be lucky enough to find the Princess cum Senapati at first visit, I right now announce, rather, warn, WAR. Not now. Tomorrow morning. Be prepared..", he ended his words with a challenging and already victorious smirk. Chitrangada couldn't process so much info at one go. What!!! Arjun immediately left the place and headed towards his campsite. This declaration of war is to frantic, maybe, taking a little more time would have been a little better. Whatever, atleast he has tried to save himself from the biggest danger...

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