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Pragya sat at one of the large windowsills of the marble palace that was now her home. She remembered the first day they had come here. She was stunned to see the by the changing scenery, from arid sandy to lush green, from plain lands to mountains and river valleys. She was stunned to see the huge civilization splayed on the green valley bordered by the mountains in the north, and crisscrossed by the Greater Zab and the Lesser Zab and their tributaries, which weaved through the forests, meadows, fields and populated regions alike.

She was overwhelmed by the extreme beauty of the castle of a completely different design and architecture than she was used to, placed magnificently amongst a wild but beautiful foliage.

All that went beyond words when the royal family welcomed her as their own. As the four most special people of her life till then left - her parents went back to their original forms and places, her enigmatic uncle went to reunite with his love and then to his true form and place alongside his love, her brother was eventually married to the last he had fallen in love with almost about the same time as she found her beloved, and left for the journey back across the seas along with her whole family who had come all the way from Indraprastha just for the grand wedding - the new phase of her life begun that centred absolutely around this beautiful land, her beloved, this amazing royal family and her own self.

The unique gowns and jewellery of this land no longer feels foreign to her. The unique flora and fauna of this land are now her own.

And the man who suddenly entered the chamber and placed an overwhelmingly love-filled tender kiss on her bare shoulder, has become her forever - to love, to cherish, to reprimand even - after their wedding yesterday. It was unlike her brother's. Just according to the Sumeran rituals, not an Aryan and Sumeran blend.

"Good evening, wife.", he whispered, and her world lit up.

Ohhh!!! Well well well... This is NOT complete.. most of this chapter is left.. I'll complete that gradually and you'll get to see that once the acknowledgement is up.

Phewww...'Finale' is Done, finally!! The previous chapter was record lengthy... Oh my god! It was sort of draining to write, too... Especially, holding back my brain in this story, in some major action stuff, to be specific; indeed got difficult, since my next ArDi book 'Veeryashukla', and the 'Unexpected' trilogy occupy most of my brain..

As for 'When 'Veeryashukla' will be out?'.. I'll start publishing it once this one is DONE, and Unexpected is done atleast a little bit more..

For now.. Don't forget to add Unexpected to your libraries. I have uploaded Destiny - Part 1, and have also added a bit to Lakeside - Part 3.. Read and let me know your feedback... 🤗

She laid down on the grass bed, her long brown hair splayed all over the grasses, while a few strands stuck to the tiny grass-flowers.

She didn't sigh, didn't close her eyes, neither did a tear slip down the side of her face, nor did a sob wreak its way out of her chest.

The severe intensity of the sun was absent, and she was grateful for that. She stared out, beyond the grey sky. Blank and grateful.

Finally, her beautiful lips curved up in a small smile as she remembered the day he had come back to her. The moment when he had re-appeared in their Vrindavan...

Their beloved lakeside... Their beloved garden.. their beloved flowerbeds...

And, their beloved memories...

LOVE: To Infinity And BeyondOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant