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Nearly two months passed by. Subhadra has went to Dwarka with Krishna and Satyabhama. According to her physical condition, there are no risky chances of her premature delivery in the next two months. However , Krishnaa's health was only worsening with every passing minute. Arjun was determined and stubborn, not to leave before the delivery of her child. That day also, Krishnaa felt too nauseatic to have her breakfast. As usual, Kunti somehow managed to feed her some fruits, and her favourite kheer. The Rajvaidyaa called Arjun. A worried Arjun knocked at the door of the Rajvaidyaa's chamber. "Come in, Rajkumar.." Arjun went in as his apprehension was engulfing him. He stayed silent, expecting the worst, but still, hoping for the better. "Rajkumaar, her health her worsened a lot. I just called you to let you know that, this time, we will need to make an exception to the usual system." Arjun was a bit more apprehensive... "Like never ever before, we want you to be present in her labour chamber during her delivery..." This was the best thing he has heard in months. Obviously he will be there. "This is because, she is very weak, and we are not very sure about how she will be able to pull off with the intense labour pain and all that...", the Rajvaidyaa said, standing, her eyebrows knitting into a serious frown. "Whatdo you mean..?", panic surged in Arjun's voice... What does she mean by saying that his Krishnaa won't be able to deal with the labour pain? "If you will be there, she will get a lot of moral and mental boost-up from you.... That's all that we can arrange for, for her, now...", she finally concluded, subtly smiling. "Obviously I will be there. She is my lifeline, and I would do literally anything for THEM. Even if that means watching her shudder in pain... She is a warrior... and I strongly believe, so is our child...", Arjun finished off with a wet smirk.

A few days later.....

It was midnight. Krishnaa was fast asleep in their chamber beside Arjun, who she knew wasn't sleeping at all. Suddenly, she felt a numbing pain sear in her lower abdomen. Her eyes fluttered open. The pain increasing suddenly and she felt as if somebody was stabbing her in the lower abdomen. A painful scream escaped her mouth, just a mere whisper, as she did not yet have the strength to process the pain and her own response. Arjun flung himself up on the bed. His hands clenching Krishnaa's. "Krishnaa...", was all that he almost gasped out, before he knew what was happening. He immediately ran out of their inner bed chamber. "Malini! Come here.. Nitambini! Call Rajvaidyaa ji.. Quick!!", he commanded, knowing that Malini and Nitambini were there only. Malini ran into the inner chamber with Arjun. "Shshh baby.. you'll be alright...", Arjun soothed Krishnaa, as tears rolled down the two sides of her face. The pain she was feeling , was, in a word, unbearable. She knew it would further intensify, and that very thought made her clench the bed sheet beneath. She wanted to scream, badly, but just yesterday, the Rajvaidyaa had advised her to not waste her energy in useless shrieking. Soon the Rajvaidyaa arrived and the real struggle began. After some time, the Rajvaidyaa informed Arjun in a panicked tone, "Her water has broken, and the baby is descending rather quickly. So, I would do a vaginal incision in order to prevent more painful tearings... Come.. You'll need to hold her and keep her stable... It will hurt pretty much, though we will be using some aushadhis to numb her regional sensations as much as possible..." Arjun's eyes glistened. No, he has to stay strong, to ensure more strength to her. He went to Krishnaa, who had been straightened up a bit on a stack of pillows on the head-end of the bed. She was all covered in sweat, panting as her tears streamed down the two sides of her face. Her shrieks came out only in short irregular gasps.. Arjun kept his hand on her head, soothing her. The midwife and Rajvaidyaa arranged for a curtain, that separated her abdominal portion and below from her head and chest, so that she couldn't look below. Krishnaa shivered a little as she felt the flow of the broken water increase, draining away all her energy with it. She could feel the baby struggle to make its way out into the world.

Malini fed her an aushadhi paste, and slowly Krishnaa felt her bottom region go numb, as the pain decreased a bit. The Rajvaidyaa's helper stood to her other side, opposite to Arjun. She slowly soothed her and almost begged her to push, as Krishnaa also felt a sudden pain in her lower abdomen. Suddenly, a searing pain rose above all the other sensations as she shrieked. Arjun hugged her tight and the Rajvaidyaa started off with making the incision. This was going to be really painful. Krishnaa inhaled sharply, as the throbbing pain rose above the numbness. She hugged Arjun tighter. In a moment Arjun knew what he had to do. He had to seal her shriek to make sure that she was left with the energy to push, once the incision was done. He pressed his lips on hers, absorbing her shrieks. He deepened the kiss like never before, as she drowned in him, the pain numbing considerably. Arjun heard the Rajvaidyaa say from the other side of the curtain, "Now.." He broke the kiss, and whispered to Krishnaa, "Push... please.." Their eyes locked, the hazels and blues burning into each other. Krishnaa didn't know from where all that strength came, from beyond all the pain , tears, blood and chaos. She gazed into his pleading eyes as she pushed hard , squinting her eyes as another wave of intense pain rose through her. She was done... With no more strength left in her, she sank back in his arms, as tears crawled down her cheeks, his tears falling on her hair.

All that she could see was darkness. The pain turned into utter numbness. No, she wasn't ready to leave , yet.....

Suddenly, she heard a cry.. a soft but shrill cry. It was as if, striving to reach out to her, only, pulling her out of the numbness. She fluttered open her eyes. Arjun was cradling a small life in his arms, wrapped in white soft silk. "Daughter... See, I told you...", Arjun stated proudly as tears rolled down his cheeks. The baby was so premature but already so hyperactive. She extended its hands up, touching Arjun's cheek as he let out a wet chuckle. He was about to hand her to Krishnaa. She tried to lift herself on her hands, but the immense pain and weakness was back. Arjun immediately handed the bay over to a waiting Nitambini and held Krishnaa. He laid her back. The war wasn't over , yet. The Rajvaidyaa signaled to Arjun. "One last time sweetheart. You have to deliver out the placenta.. Just one more push.. Lighter, though..", he pleaded her. Krishnaa held on to him, tightly. She has to. Just last push, and one last scream. The Rajvaidyaa and her two helpers began cleaning up and suturing the incision. Krishnaa lay almost unconscious in Arjun's arms, lightly murmuring to his questions. He somehow wanted to keep her awake and talking.

After some time, the room was cleaned and Krishnaa's lower cloth was changed, and finally Nitambini handed the baby girl over to her. She had large honey-brown eyes with long dark lashes. Stunningly enough, she had crystal-fair complexion, just opposite to her parents. Her small shiny brown curls fell on her face, now and then, making her giggle in some weird amusement. The moment she went to her mother, she stared into her eyes. The eternal mother-daughter bond was established, as the baby purred and giggled in Krishnaa's arms, holding her finger in her tiny hand, making her giggle too. Arjun looked at the two with absolute pleasure. He hugged the two of them together, swearing to protect them with his very life. He lookedinto his daughter's eyes, promising to bring her up to be an absolute marvel, obviously with her mother, too.

LOVE: To Infinity And BeyondOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora