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Krishnaa's P.O.V.:

I tightened the hug as the memories of a strange nightmare of the past began to haunt my present. "Hey, you needn't be so anxious! I'll be just fine. You take care of yourself, as well as that brat - you know what I mean.", he whispered soothingly to me. Then he chuckled, "Come one now, let me go. I have a mighty serpent to deal with.", and he laughed again. This time I also joined him in his laughter, although a traitor tear escaped my eyes. We had promised to ourselves to never for once use any divine powers in this final war, and we won't

I released him from the hug. I would never call it a farewell hug; a good-luck-wishing hug, or an empowering one, sounded times better. He took a few steps back without making any eye-contact - he was scared, for me; he just wasn't expressing that. But fear can do things to you, things that I would never ever want happening to him, not atleast at the most heated battle hour. I reached out one hand and cupped his left cheek. "I love you, and I'll be perfectly fine this time. Previous time was different. This time I am just too eager to show him what's 'not so bad' for whom." In spite of trying hard to keep my voice composed, venom was laced in each syllable I spoke about him.  This time would be different. This time would be his last time, I mentally swore to myself. 

Arjuna's P.O.V.:

Takshak would be one of the best, or worst for that matter, opponents I might have ever faced in this human life. But my resolve was strong. I was not the least concerned about what he was, or whatever treachery he might try to conduct. He would lose, and Arjuna would maintain his title of the invincible Vijaya, till his last battle. As I turned away from my beloved's pensive face, my hand moved of its own accord to touch my throat that was cold and blue, as usual. I needed this reminder of my Divinity. Maybe, this reiteration of the obvious knowledge would somehow be useful in my last battle as Arjuna. My hand further moved to caress the cold metal of the Gandeeva once, the texture and temperature nearly matching that of my throat; and just like the blue throat, it pulsed under my caress; and I knew that it wasn't just Arjuna's final battle, it was his Gandeeva's final battle too. We both had to maintain our track records of invincibility. 

However, although my pulse raced at the thought of my love facing that wretch who had dared snatch her from me the previous time, and I craved to do him that honour myself; I failed to worry too much about her - my soul already had the knowledge that she would win, no matter what. 

Krishnaa's P.O.V.:

The sandstone castle was an ultimate fortress. It would be a hilarious wonder if Takshak too wasn't here. I shot a final glance to my partner, in this battle, and for forever. Our eyes began the counting while our hands took breaks to signal the divisions. There were fifty-six men here - including the front lawn, the visible corridor right behind that, and the single balcony above. Kaustav, the only aide who had come with us, nodded from behind; and immediately we three leapt into sight of the guards. 

The men were exceptionally well-trained and for a moment I wished someone else was here to help us. Kaustav and Arjuna both were trying their bests to reduce the pressure on me - not because I was the woman here, but because they both knew I had a terrible duel waiting for me, where I had no option of taking any external help from anyone else. Deep down I was constantly praying that Karna and Dhrishtadyumna would finish their own work quick enough and Karna would arrive to Arya's aid during his duel with Takshak - just in case. Dhrishtadyumna would have to participate in the evacuation and help Arhaan, his aides, and Abhi & Priu to get out of the range in time. The destiny of the dangerous explosives brought in from Gandhar, wasn't too good.

Krishna's P.O.V.:

"It is only natural that they didn't keep these inside that fortress of theirs.", I murmured softly, as I, Dhrishtadyumna and Karna stood staring at the still semi-sand-covered dome in front of us. It was a huge storehouse, dome-shaped and had been covered so nicely with sand that it would have been nearly impossible for us to locate it; if not for Arhaan and his visions. The moment we had started searching for it, he had the vision indicating the exact location of this slyly built secret godown for those deathly weaponry. "I don't think there's any way to destroy these without ultimately blasting them.", Arhaan said, as he and Pragya still waited on their horses, just beside us. "There isn't, for sure.", Pragya added. Inspite of being the first ones to know about the location and racing to inform us, they both were still a bit taken aback. Arhaan was just a bit surprised, though - he had probably been thinking of this sort of a theory too about the weapons. Moreover, one who could hide the way he did, shouldn't even be the slightest bit surprised by such occurrences. 

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