The Heaven of Lost Memories

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Okay, firstly, forgive me for these late updates.. 

Secondly, now I plan to write a bit on Shiva-Sati. I said earlier that I have skipped the Parvati part. Now, I'm telling you the reason. My Shiva-Sati portions are inspired by Amish Tripathi's 'SHIVA TRILOGY'. I hope many of you have already read those. In case you haven't, OMG.. Go and Read- NOW.. They are AMAZING! 

Whatever, I hope you enjoy these unique additive portions to the original storyline.. I look forward to ending the book in the ultimate re-union of Shiva and Sati.. And now, there's going to be some revival of Arjuna to Shiva.. I really hope you like that... 

And, do communicate your reviews in the comments..

~With love and gratitude, Bristi <3


Arjuna's P.O.V.:

Heavens... The word stirred a whole set of memories within me, as I waited alone at the snow-clad base of Mount Mandar. My journey hasn't been a bit tiresome. As I walked up the mountains, I remembered the last time I did so.. in my original identity.. when my Sati was physically by my side. But honestly, the Heavens have never held much interest for me. Not then, not now... And really, what can make anyone think that I, of all people, is the heir to the Heavens..! I understand that Madhav was pointing at my responsibility to break this illusion of the Gods, when he pointed out the fact that I was the 'Heir to the Heavens'. I chuckle softly imagining how ridiculous this whole theory will sound to Her... Oh come on, just take her real name for once... Sati. Yes.. This name strengthens the lover within me. 

Actually, Arjuna is the people's hero, tied to the society by his responsibilities to the various relations and designations in life. His Krishnaa is of course his lady love and maybe also a large part of his life-breath--- but, not his existence itself. On the other hand, Shiva is the lone hero of the lonelier mountain deserts of Tibet. His existence forcefully circled around the beauty of the wild nature of Mount Kailash, around his sole belief of the existence of his lost other half in the form of the vital force in nature... Well, I guess I have sufficient time till Indra's chariot reaches. A flashback always helps to clear my head, provided how torn I am right now between my role-play as Arjuna and my actual self of Shiva...

[Author's P.O.V.:]

A bronze-skinned man, quite muscular in build, with a number of scar decorating his toned, but not-so-tanned body stood in the moderately strong and absolutely freezing Tibetan wind, by the semi-frozen Mansarovar. He stared at the lake, as if lost.. not in deep thoughts, rather in some different sort of trance. A trance which only his unique Yogic powers could help him get into. Atleast, unless she comes.. He heaves out a melancholic sigh. He has been waiting for thousands of years and now, after all these years, when his most trusted follower Nandi has informed him that he has happened to come across a glowing bronze-skinned , divinely beautiful female warrior somewhere in Daksha's civilization.. His heart had almost skipped the beat. Just that, it cannot. After all, he is the God of Gods, the Mahadev. But, then, She has been born as a human. A human! His soul almost wanted to escape the restraints of the God-body and go running to meet its other half. After all these years of pining, yearning, craving and none-the-less pain, when they finally seemed to be making some sense, this 'being human' thing has again pushed him into the void. The void, where he has to put up this hard and cold mask of no-emotions in order to keep himself from shattering into pieces. He continues staring at the frost-covered waters...


"Satiiii!!", the anguished scream leaves his mouth, draining out all the air from his lungs, the air which he never wants to suck in again. But, he has to.. He has to. He has to go get her out of that hell. His body is trembling.. he himself can't determine whether from the searing pain that seems to burn his whole being, painfully, from the inside out; or from the utter rage radiating out of him, that makes the lone scared follower of his, who had stayed back instead of accompanying his Mother Goddess to the Yagna, take a few steps back. For a while, he wonders how his body happens to be able to contain this much anguish and agony and fury.. he wonders why his surroundings are not getting burnt down to ashes. But the mystery retains its place in his mind only for a very short while as the pain and fury take over and he rushes out of the now decorated cave; courtesy to his now-dead wife...

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