The Big 3 [34]

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Y/n's POV

Already been 4 days since the punishment and Midoriya and Bakugou already gone to school.. Including the others..
Me in the other hand..
I'm just laying in the couch since I'm still not allowed to go to school..

This isnt as bad as I thought to be honest..

You: just one more day and I'm able to go back to regular class.... Hmm.. Well.. Since I have the whole day to myself.. I should just make the best of it..

I started walking around the 1-A dorms.. My hands in my pockets, hair messy.. And just my pajamas.. How life was comfortable right now

While humming a small tune through the empty halls of the dorms.. I can feel something looking at me from afar..

Not knowing what it is, I merely shrugged it off assuming it was my imagination again just like last time..

Then again.. I got bored again..
I grabbed a broom and started sweeping the halls without any thinking..


You: Mom.. Why did you marry father? You disgrace him right?

Mother shakes her head as a sad smile makes their way on her pale face

Mom: Mommy really loves your father... I wouldn't marry him if I didn't sweety..

Still holding unto my arm to stop the bleeding.. I muttered out

You: Well, he's an Asshole

Mom: Y/n! Cursing is bad!

You: So father is bad?

Mom: W-well...

My mother coughs and reverts the conversation into a new one

Mom: let Mommy fix your wounds.. Okay sweety?

You: mom?

Mom: yes?

You: I know a plan on how to k-

Mom: no y/n... Just no.. This is the 5th time you told me this too...

Mother sighs heavily as she started bandaging my wounded arm


My eyes blinks open slowly as I felt my body heating up cause of the sun rays

Looking around, I saw myself leaning against a wall while still holding unto the broom..

Huh... I fell asleep while cleaning
Not really the surprising since I sleep mostly through everything..

A sigh leaves my mouth as I wobbly stood up from my spot..
Looking at the time, it was already 4pm which means that the others will be coming back soon..

No more peace.....

Sitting back on the couch, I felt myself melt into the soft cushion underneath me..

Well... Not until I felt 2 big hands cover my eyes from behind..
I sigh at the accurance..

?: Guess who?

You: My hopes and dreams?...

?: nope! Guess again!

You: My death?..

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