(Dabi/Toya Todoroki) Heirs

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Heirs: Referring to how both Toya and Hikari are considered the Heirs of All Might and Endeavour because they are their first born. With Heirs usually found in wealthy families, it also makes sense with both come from wealthy and important families as well, thanks to their parents hero work.

From: Boku No Hero Academia / My Hero Academia 

Genre: #Romance #BNHA #Villain #Dabi #Todoroki #ToyaTodoroki #Commision #Vigilanti #Daughter #AllMight #AllMightsDaughter #Yagi #Stain

Name: Hikari Yagi - meaning 'Light' in Japanese as well as sounding slightly similar to 'Toshinori' thanks to the 'ri' sound at the end.  her last name is the same as All Might's because of their relation. 'Yagi' itself means 'Eight Tree's' in Japanese.

Quirk: Energy Manipulation


Hikari Yagi is All Might's daughter who he had left at an orphanage not long after she was born. Like his master before him, he knew that keeping his child would put them in danger, and he hadn't even planned on having a child either, so he left her at an orphanage for her own protection and cut all contact, pretending that he had never fathered a child to begin with. Hikari had been born a few months after Toya Todoroki and the orphanage she was left at had been close to the Todoroki household, being in a wealthy neighbourhood. As a child, Hikari was bullied by the other kids when news got out that her parents left her there out of their own choice, though she never let it get to her and kept on smiling. Because of this though, she tended to avoid the other kids and came up with different reasons her parents would have left her their. Maybe they were a secret agent? or a Hero? perhaps they were on a secret mission and when everything was over, they would come back. But Toshinori never planned on comming back. Not that he didn't love her, but he didn't want to get attached or put her at risk. Hikari continued to wait in the orphanage for years, hoping that her parents would come back for her but they never did, and she slowly lost hope in them. Meanwhile, she befriended the eldest son of Endeavour, Toya Todoroki, who possessed a powerful fire quirk. She had met him by chance when they were little after walking in on him training on his own. She had been in awe of how strong he was and admired his drive to become a hero. She too, at the time, influenced by all her dreams about the father she never knew about, also wanted to become a hero, and so the two started to meet up and train with their quirks together whenever Endeavour was too busy to train Toya. One day however, Endeavour refused to train Toya any more and told him to give up on his dream on becoming a hero because of his constitution. Toya was understandable distraught by this and Hikari had to watch Toya's slow decline as he became desperate for his fathers acknowledgment. Despite being worried about Toya and his quirks affects on his body thanks to his constitution, she still encouraged him to become a hero and follow his dreams, something nobody else would do for him. Hikari told Toya that even if he doesnt have the perfect quirk, he can still be a hero. That everyone has flaws and their are ways to overcome them. Even his father had overheating drawbacks from his quirk, and he had already been well on his way to the top ten by then. Because of Hikari's support, Toya became much closer to her but after Endeavour found out that someone had been encouraging Toya to still become a hero, he forbade Toya from ever seeing her again. Around the same time, Hikari finds proof of who her own father really is and she just can't understand why he never wanted her. He was so strong so couldn't he protect her? With every villain she watched him take down on TV, her hope that he would come back for her dwindled as she wished that maybe, things were safe, he could come back. But he never did. Toya and Hikari started to meet up in secret and told each other everything, how Toya's parents kept on having more children to produce the perfect quirk and replace him to how Hikari's real father was the most respected Hero in the country. They both supported each other as each of them were brought lower and lower by their fathers actions. Eventually, when Toya lost control of his quirk and was presumed dead, Hikari was also reported dead as she had been with him when the fire started and the two dissapeared off the face of the earth. All Might, who had occasional reports from the orphanage to make sure she was doing okay, also belived that she had died. Years later, Toya started going by the name of Dabi, on his quest to take down his father once and for all and to completely crush everything he had ever forked for. And for Hikari, she still wanted to be a hero, though she had lost hope in the hero society thanks to the influence of Endeavour on Toya and the actions of many other heroes. She became a vigilante who also kept her identity hidden, not wanting her father to know she was alive, and even got in contact with Stain. Over the years, she had come to forgive her father, since she didn't know all the details, though she couldn't bring herself to trust him either. She also kept in contact with Toya as they met up regularly as each perused their own goals.  

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