(Jiraiya's Daughter / Nagato Uzumaki) Drizzle

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Drizzle: Meaning; 'light rain falling in very fine drops.' - Unlike my other Jiraiya daughter fanfiction, this is set before Kakashi's generation, well kind of. Amaya is older and its set with the Ame Orphans instead of team Minato. The name of the Fanfiction it a reference to Amegakure and Drizzle being 'Light' or 'Peaceful' rain.

From: Naruto + Naruto Shippuden + Pre Naruto - mainly form the anime though will refer to the mange when needed.

Genre:#Romance #Uzumaki #Jiraiya #SecondShinobiWar #War #Amegakure #Bastard #Daughter #Reincarnation #Akatsuki #AmeOrphans #AmeGeneration #Fuinjuitsu #Spy #Informant

Name: Amaya Imori - meaning 'Night Rain' in Japanese which is a connection to Amegakure. Her last name 'Imori' is form her mothers side and has the meaning of 'Gecko' or 'Newt' which links to her Summoning's and it is also the name of a Geko Yokai.


Amaya used to be a university student in our time, spending her free time in the outdoors and travelling all around, learning from all walks of life and useful survival skills just because she could. This all comes to an end however when she gets hit by a truck while highking in the rain. dont ask why the truck was there. And her life is cut short. Next thing she knows, she's less than half her former Hight in the middle of a rainy war zone with pure white hair stained with mud and red markings lining her eyes like eyeliner. It was safe to say, she wasn't in Kansas anymore and she was very much out of her depth. With her new body of a 6 year old, she uses all she knows from her former life to survive this one, even when her mother abandons her when she deems Amaya able to look after herself. Whiel surviving in the thick of the second shinobi war, she comes across Nagato before he meets Yahiko and Konan, right after his parents are killed. She ends up seeing his Rinnegan and helps him keep them a secret and joins him as they look after each other. They eventually meet up with Yahiko and Konan where they all group together and help one another survive. Amaya forms bonds with the three, despite knowing what they will all turn into once shit hits the fan when they're older and can't bare to leave them, wanting nothing more than to protect her close friends. She uses her knowledge from her last life to help gather information, food and other supplies for the trio whenever she can, hoping to make at least a little difference and make their lives easier. One of the things that does change in their childhood is the small puppy Nagato takes in that died in Canon. Thanks to Amaya's intervention, the Puppy, not named 'Hachiko' survives and becomes an emotional support for quartet as they survive each day in the War. The group eventually run into the three Sanin while out scavenging for food and supplies after not being able to find anything edible for the last few days. Because of how dirty she is, Amaya's hair doesn't look as white as Jiraiya's and looks a little light brownish blond from all the dirt and since her hair has grown so much, it covers the red markings around her eyes so her similarities to the toad sage does unnoticed by the Sannin, though Orochimaru thinks something is off but doesn't think much further than killing the kids. Jiraiya eventually decides to stay back and train the kids, feeling guilty for their part in the war and agrees to teach them ninjuitsu. When they get back to the house they had been living in and finally get washed, it is only then that Jiraiya sees the similarities between himself and Amaya. Amaya herself doesn't think much about it though and hadn't considered being related to anyone from the plot to give it much thought, so while she is chatting happily with Nagato, Jiraiya is having a mid life crisis by the door. After Jiraiya gets over himself, he spends the following months getting closer to Amaya more than the other three and confirms that he is actually her father by summoning Fukasaku who is able to tell through their chakra. He keeps this revelation to himself however, not really sure what to do about it and knowing that he wouldn't be able to do much for her either because of the war. Taking her back to Konoha would also be a bad idea since she was born in Amegakure and their was no chance she would be willing to leave the other three either, given how close they are and he didn't want to separate them. If he ever tries to bring them all back, then it would cause a lot of trouble and the children may even be taken as spies. Over time, while Amaya is oblivious, the other three notice the similarities between her and Jiraiya as well as how attentive he is towards her compared to them and they make the connection themselves, though don't say anything. While the other Ame Orphans all train in their own specialties, Jiraiya ends up teaching Amaya Fuinjuitsu after she shows an aptitude for it and feels secretly proud as a father when she shows such interest in the skill he had mastered himself. Jiraiya is hesitant to leave though ultimately returns to Konoha in hopes of ending the war quicker and the quartet go on to form the Akatsuki, Yahiko taking the lead and Amaya becoming their spy master respectively. Something she unknowingly copies from her father as well. Things are going well and they are starting to make a change when Danzo gets involved and turns Hanzo, the salamander against them, leading to Yahiko taking the knife. Already knowing that this was going to happen, Amaya learns medical jutsu before this and manages to keep Yahiko alive with the help of some seals as well, though gets injured herself while protecting his body. Seeing his most precious people being hurt, Nagato looses his shit and kills everyone.



I'm not sure weather I should have Yahiko survive, or have it so that he remains in a coma for a long time so it gives enough time for Obito to come in.

I'm not sure what I'm gonna do after the death of Hanzo, though I know for certain that Amaya is gonna have it out of Danzo, knowing that he had been behind it to begin with so she's gonna want him dead. This may be enough for her to go along with Obito a little while she sorts out her feelings.

Amaya eventually gets a summoning's to Gecko's. She manages to get the summoning scroll, or at least, a scroll describing the summoning jutsu so she goes to their homeland through a reverse summoning, from the scrolls left behind from Hanzo the Salamander.

The Gecko summoning's are allied with the toads, though they have only taken on a few summoners themselves over the years and non at all before Amaya in the past century. Because of their close connection to one another, they are in contact with one another and sometimes visit the other whenever. From this, Amaya may meet the elders of the Toads while visiting with the Gecko's during her sage training. 

The Dog the Nagato takes in survives in this version and ends up being named 'Hachiko' which means 'Good Fortune' in Japanese but is also the name of a famous dog in Japan that even has a move made after him. About a stray puppy who gets taken in by a man and waits for him at the train station for him to return from work but after he dies of a heart attack from work, Hachiko still waits for him at the train station every day until he dies of old age.

Amaya ends up teaching Hachiko how to track and scavenge for food as well as fight. While he isn't a Ninken and can't talk, he is very smart adn understands what they are saying. Hachiko ends up following either Nagato or Amaya around all the time. 

Because Jiraiya thinks that Konan, Nagato and Yahiko all die during the war after they meet up with Hanzo, he also belives his daughter to have died as well. So he is unaware that she is actually still alive and kicking.

After hearing about the death of the Ame orphans, and by association his daughter, Jiraiya only tells Tsunade, Minato and Hiruzen about her.

While Amaya is similar to Jiraiya in many ways, she isn't a pervert like him. In fact, she is very much the opposite and gets very flustered from flirting if she takes it seriously and isn't working as a Spy. This may lead to some funny cute scenes between her and Nagato because I get the feeling that he could also get flustered with such things at the start of a relationship before he gets more comfortable with that stuff.

Amaya spends most of her time being trained by Jiraiya unaware that he is her father, but she does eventually find out on her own or perhaps with some help from Yahiko, Konan and Nagato. After she does find out and Jiraiya realises she knows, they kind of form an unspoken bond and get closer to each other from there without actually saying who they are to each other until it is time for Jiraiya to leave where she may call him 'Dad' or 'Tou-san' for the first time.

I'm thinking of having Amaya take on students of her own later on in how own attempt to help them, such as Kimimaro and Haku and maybe Karin or Jugo. Suigetsu perhaps if she is able to get him. By taking people Orochimaru originally would have, it could be her own way of getting back at him for threatening to kill her when she was a kid out of spite, as well as just wanting to help them. She will likely just take three of them, but which three is still up for debate or their are any other kids she could take under her wing as well.

She could end up taking in Kabuto!? This could end up being interesting.

Should I have Amaya stick her nose into the nine tails attack? With Obito working with the Akatsuki by this point, she may not get the chance since she would end up getting found out if she tried. 

I could have it so that she manages to get in contact with Minato before Rin's death and tell him to get back to his students, finishing what he was originally doing while he ran over to where Kakashi and Rin where. Though weather Rin survives is another thing. If she does survive, Obito would end up different, though I'm still gonna have him going hte Akatsuki. He may feel that the world is too dangerous and to bring peace and keep Rin safe after her almost dying, he needs the infinite Tsukiyomi.

I dunno. Either way, he joins the Akatsuki one way or another.

Should I have Amaya fuck up the plot completely, or just subtilty while trying to keep cannon intact? Coz, I'm able to fuck shit up if need be.

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