(Sai) Blank Canvas

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Blank Canvas: Refering to their emotions and them as a person as they resemble a blank canvas that can be stained or drawn on. It is also a link to both of their fighting styles.

From: Naruto Shippuden and maybe brief scenes from Naruto.

Genre: #Romance #Emotions #ROOT #Art #Tattoos #Sai #ANBU #Experimentation #Orochimaru 

Name: Suzume - meaning 'Sparrow' in Japanese. The sparrow is a small fast bird that can usually be seen in a flock. Suzume has no last name, at least not that she can remember.


Suzume was brought into the ROOT by Danzo at a very young age and trained directly under him. Danzo had sent Suzume to Orochimaru at the age of 10 for 5 years to undergo a series of experiments as well as spy on his movements. Under Orochimaru's care, the unfeeling Suzume accepted everything that happened to her, as she did not understand that the pain that she received and the changes to her body were wrong. she was simply following orders. She returned to the village when she was 15, 1 year before Naruto returned to the village. She was put on team Kakashi because of her history with Orochimaru and help with the mission. It is their where she encountered Sai and was unaware of his own separate mission given to him by Danzo. the two become closer awkwardly and don't really know what's going on. When confronting Sasuke, Sasuke recognises Suzume from her time with Orochimaru. He tries to attack her because she had peeked his interest during her time with Orochimaru and Sai protects her. Suzume, however, has forgotten that a seal had been placed on her by her biological brother which wiped her memory of him and the seal. her brother being Shin, Sai's adoptive brother during his time in the ROOT who died.


Orphaned at a young age, Suzume finds herself under Danzo's care as she becomes a member of ROOT. She trains directly under Danzo as she had shown potential however after she fails to meet Danzo's expectations, she is sent to Orochimaru to undergo 'treatment' as well as keep tabs on his actions.

Having been sent to Orochimaru at age 10, Suzume spends the next 5 years of her life undergoing inhumane experimentation without uttering a single complaint or sign of pain. Her lack of reaction only leading her to receive even more tortuous treatments.

She returns to the hidden leaf one year before Naruto's return and is later placed on team Kakashi alongside Sai to help with the mission because of her connection to Orochimaru. 

Unknown to Suzume however, she has a seal which has locked away all of her emotions which has been placed on her by her Biological brother, who had also been a ROOT member, before is death. Placed on her for her own protection.

What will happen when the seal is removed? And how will this awkward ANBU duo act around each other as they start to understand what it means to truly feel emotion?


I'm not sure weather to have Suzume know about Sai's secret mission or not as I can have her be Sai's backup sent by Danzo. Would it be better to have her in the dark or maybe put her on her own unique mission?

I could have Suzume be part of the deal that Orochimaru makes with Danzo when Sai hands him a list of names of ANBU members and Suzume could also be part of the interaction which Orochimaru will get after holding up his side of the deal. But Sai may hesitate or not mention Suzume to Orochimaru at all during their interaction to protect her, not knowing why himself.

Suzume has tattoos on her body that she can summon with a special jutsu similar to Sai's beast scroll's.


- A jutsu where one of the tattoo's on her body moves into her opponents body when they touch skin to skin and the tattoo attacks the victim.

- She can attach herself to her enemies by joining her tattoos to them, it works similar to Shikamaru's shadow jutsu but she has to make physical contact.

- Can place trackers on people in the form of a tattoo which can turn invisible and gives off a very faint chakra which can only be spotted of someone skilled directly went looking for it.

While at the Hot Springs, Sai sees Suzume naked by mistake and the two of them don't know how to react because Sai doesn't understand emotions and Suzume's emotions are locked away. The entire scenario leading to a really weird exchange. as they both get their emotions beck, their reactions will change towards each other and they'll get more flustered or curious.

The seal is discovered by Sakura when team Kakashi are at the hot Springs

Because of the experiments, Suzume has black blood and by using a unique jutsu, tattoos appear on her skin.

Suzume is part of the deal that Orochimaru makes with Danzo when Sai hands him a list of names of ANBU members and Suzume could also be part of the interaction which Orochimaru will get after holding up his side of the deal. But Sai may hesitate or not mention Suzume to Orochimaru at all during their interaction to protect her, not knowing why himself.

Sai finds himself painting Suzume after he finds her beautiful and photogenic. He keeps sketching her face or other parts of he body, sometimes even without realising it and doesn't understand why.

Sai's heart rate increases and he blushes around Suzume which leads him to think that he is sick. AND POSSIBLY DYING!?

Perhaps Sai could end up giving Suzume some tattoo's himself?

Is this a good idea that I should implement?

I've also made a new cover. Which do you think is better between the original and this new one? 

 Which do you think is better between the original and this new one? 

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